澳门6合开彩挑码助手 第二节 查找自身“肿瘤站”03

导读:当癌症与重大疾病正疯狂肆虐吞没人类的时候,又是《 水路医学 》发现了肿瘤站对癌症人人都能在自身早早查出的同时,又研发出生物系列外用药,不仅对晚期癌症起到止痛延缓生命...

澳门6合开彩挑码助手 当癌症与重大疾病正疯狂肆虐吞没人类的时候,又是《水路医学》发现了“肿瘤站”对癌症人人都能在自身早早查出的同时,又研发出生物系列外用药,不仅对晚期癌症起到止痛延缓生命的作用,对早期癌症大都能达到治愈的结果。更为可贵的是,它不仅有完整的学术理论体系,并还有自主研发生物药从鼻腔或二阴早期使用,都能达到预防大病病毒与癌症的发生。同时,又能对抗转基因酶对人体免疫系统的危害,有人把它列为一防二治的”疫苗”,此当为之不过。
While cancer and major diseases are engulfing human beings in a frenzy, waterway medicine discovered that " tumor stations" can detect cancer early in their own lives and at the same time develop a biological series of external medicines, which not only can relieve pain and delay life for late cancer, but also can cure early cancer.  What is more valuable is that it not only has a complete academic theoretical system, but also has self-developed biological drugs that can be used from the nasal cavity or the early stage of yin and yang to prevent the occurrence of serious illness virus and cancer.  At the same time, it can also resist the harm of transgenic enzymes to the human immune system. some people have listed it as a " vaccine" for prevention and treatment, which cannot be justified.

Tumor station diagram 5
The " tumor station" of a person has a special set up. this may be due to the logic that the " station" can carry all kinds of cars, send letters to thousands of families, and gather them together.  Moreover, because most tumors grow in areas above the thigh, the turbidity and gas content of pathogenic bacteria and toxins in areas where tumors grow locally in the body will be too high, and most of the tumors are hidden inside and outside the zang-fu organs and constantly move away between skin, muscle and muscle membrane.  The lactic acid toxin and other compounds produced under the skin and organs of the human body will also be relatively too high and wander everywhere like fog and haze.  The multiple muscles and muscles inside and outside the middle of the thigh, between the muscular membrane and the muscular membrane, may be due to the need of physiological structure. the thigh suddenly narrows down here, following the intangible thing of the muscular membrane from top to bottom. due to the sudden closure of the muscular membrane, the intangible thing with acid poison is suddenly clustered here. this is also like a toll gate on the highway all the way round, which will slow down many vehicles for a long time. therefore, the tail gas emitted from the vehicles will also be more of the same logic.  The more simple and scientific reason for it is still to be studied and discussed.  In short, it is enough to give people a little early warning and help them find out if they have cancer earlier.
大腿正中内外处,触摸有明显酸胀疼痛点的部位,我们统称它为“肿瘤站”。 只不过“内站“与“外站”之分。“内站”也象一个老的火车站,它可谓是人多车慢票价低。而“外站”就如同一个新建的高铁站,相对人少车快价格高。近些年来,出行专乘高铁的人群越来越多,而人们由慢性病转变恶化成癌症者也是很多,这一疾病发展与变化的规律,难道也与自然界现象的逻辑,也都是那么样的类似又接近吗?                             
In the middle of the thigh, touching the area with obvious acid swelling and pain points, we collectively call it the " tumor site".  Only " inner station" and " outer station".  The " inner station" is also like an old railway station. it can be described as a train station with many people and slow fares.  The " outside station" is just like a newly built high-speed railway station, with relatively few people and high prices for cars.  In recent years, more and more people travel on high-speed trains, and there are also many people who change from chronic diseases to cancer. is the law of development and change of this disease similar to and close to the logic of natural phenomena?
Tumor station" can be regarded as " good" and " evil" in the outside. whether it is " good" or " evil", it is really a bit like a station station. if there is a station, there is a car; if there is a car, there is a road; if there is a bad person on the road, there is a truth that bad people may do bad things on the road and the station at any time.  Now there are many people who do not obey the law. the first thing to commit crimes is to find out the way to escape.  When the police catch them, most of them will look for evidence to capture them on the way to the crime, at stations or dens. this is just like checking the abnormal external reactions of the human body, thus inferring that the early internal diseases are the same logic.
Everything is a logical law of change and development with " spear" and " shield" and “inside and outside".  In addition to the " tumor station", the cancer signal also has its branch station and hiding place. this should be combined with the external pain points near the " symptom" and " focus" that it usually displays in the human body. it should be checked with the method of reverse thinking, " the external phenomenon must be the necessity of the actual existence in the inner part". by analyzing more clues left by the cancer signal, it will be possible to find out the devil of a serious illness early.
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