澳门水果奶奶开奖免费资料 第三节 癌症附近有特别 02

导读:食少胃痛瘦,胃癌定来凑。 肉油犯恶心,反酸有口臭。 便黑中年多,不酒食烧肉。 塞肛口含药,或可把人留。 Eating less, stomachache thinner, gastric cancer will definitely gather together. Meat and o...

澳门水果奶奶开奖免费资料 食少胃痛瘦,胃癌定来凑。
Eating less, stomachache thinner, gastric cancer will definitely gather together.
 Meat and oil make people sick, anti-acid and halitosis.
 He is dark and middle - aged, and does not eat alcohol or burn meat.
 Anus gag contains medicine, or can leave people.
3. Beware of bad  "criminal record" of liver disease
 Like lung cancer as a " case", it first makes people suspect that it has a " criminal record".  ( 1 ) there is a history of liver disease. there is often pain or lumps in the liver area.  ( 2 ) it is easy to dry, nose and gum are easy to bleed, joints of waist, back and limbs are sore and weak.  ( 3 ) the face is grey and dark, and the nails are spot-shaped and emaciated quickly.  Combined with the pain points near the liver on the back and the habitual smoking, drinking and staying up late in life, a comprehensive examination should be carried out as soon as possible in combination with the " tumor station".
Liver cancer is one of the common cancers. it has a fierce and very large number of causes. it is difficult to treat the cancer that dies so fast. it is also called " king".  Whether it is cut off, replaced or treated routinely, it may not leave a lot of time for people.  Here, readers and friends with liver diseases are reminded that if the above symptoms occur or do not occur, they should be checked regularly to get rid of bad habits.  Because it has only a growth and death period of two and a half years. it has no symptoms in the first two years. once the symptoms have reached the late stage, it has only half a year to live, and it will not give up until it takes away people's fate.  Due to the widening of the portal vein and the high pressure in its later stage, the embolism of the portal vein system has caused acute and hypoxic necrosis of the liver tissue, accumulation of a large amount of keto acids and other toxins, and its hypoxic and hardened masses are all strongly stimulating or squeezing the internal and external nerves of the liver, causing severe pain and unbearable pain.  But also because its blood does not circulate normally. in the end, it either causes people to die thin, swollen, swollen or painful, or causes people to draw blood, spray or spit blood and die immediately.  Horrible tragedies cannot be witnessed, and vicious and cruel tragedies cannot be expressed.
Therefore, the author reminds people with a history of liver disease or a family history of liver disease to pay more attention to the above-mentioned clues, especially those over 40 years old who have been positive for hepatitis or hepatitis b virus surface antigen for more than 5 years, those who have drunk for about 8 years and have chronic liver disease symptoms, patients with liver cirrhosis also need to check serum alpha-fetoprotein once every half a year, virus quantification, enzyme and bilirubin tests. if AFP rises or falls below 200 micrograms / liter, they should combine color b ultrasound, closely monitor the changes of blood images and discomfort of body symptoms, and make preparations for early prevention and treatment.  I believe that science is developing rapidly and there are many ways and means to cure diseases.  The liver, which belongs to the digestive system, is an inherent " chemical plant" of the human body. it is easy to accommodate hundreds of medicines, can endure idle work, has subtle combination, devotes itself to others, and has the advantage of receiving new information quickly.  But soft and moderate, strong resistance.  If the owner gives the wrong medicine to seriously injure him, he will voluntarily " ask for a knife to defend himself" ( for example, if acute toxic liver necrosis requires liver replacement before he can save his life ), otherwise there will be a tragedy of too late to set himself on fire.  It not only has a good product of humiliation, as long as it is given by the right method and is cared for on a daily basis, it will show kindness and show kindness, give the foot a " face" and repair it quickly.
Liver cancer is the king, and criminal record is not heavily guarded.
 The swollen face was grey and dark, with severe pain and bleeding.
 Slow illness or infection, staying up late drinking is easy to hurt.
 There are prescriptions for external treatment. don't forget to prevent and treat the disease seriously.
4. Bowel cancer changes and stool changes
 Intestinal cancer refers to cancer occurring in the intestinal tract, including large intestine, colon, rectum and cecum, among which large intestine cancer and rectum to rectum and anal canal are the areas with high incidence of intestinal cancer.
 Its early stage had almost no symptoms, and it grew up without showing any signs of flexion or extension.  Why didn't the patients find it earlier?  Listen to doctors say that the early cure rate of intestinal cancer is as high as 90 %.  Many patients discovered it unexpectedly when they were examining other diseases, but it was also the mid-term and late - term.  Even if the operation is done, most of its troops have already been deployed everywhere and are ready for " transfer".
 There is an old saying that it is also appropriate to say to it, " if one wants to know something, one cannot do it unless one has done it himself."  It is very cunning. it uses the confusing tactics of " beating the west with the sound of the wind" when it comes to " false heart".  When the following two groups of symptoms change in its early stage, it is very difficult for an experienced oncologist to judge whether it is intestinal cancer. please treat it immediately.  ( 1 ) suddenly I found my hair blackened from white.  ( 2 ) frequent low fever, emaciation very fast.  ( 3 ) diarrhea and constipation appear alternately, and stool is deformed.  ( 4 ) stool habits change, there is mucus and often black blood, and there is pain from time to time.  ( 5 ) anemia, fatigue, bad smell of food and indigestion.
由于它本身温度湿与自然密封优厚的条件,病近药临,更有利于本生物外用药借助其天然又类似培养基的放大与切割,可快速化腐其肿物结块,药直经小肠绒毛膜吸收,又会直接进入肠系膜淋巴与血液循环,切断它增长链条与传播途径,防它暗下转移的“坏心”。 这也应当归功于《外治医学水路学》与本书“通水散结”外治自然疗法的新举措。
If you wake up carefully at night, your face will rise, your legs will bend half - lying, your feet will stick to the bed, forming a right angle, and you will carefully press the abdomen to see if there is any lump in your abdomen.  If there is one of the above, or if there are painless knots on both sides of the back and spine, and there are signs of " tumor stations", go to the hospital immediately for pathological and colonoscopy examinations. do not be careless because it is also the fiercest killer cancer in life. it belongs to the top few of the high-risk cancers and is considered to be a powerful " special agent" killer.  The incidence rate is high and the transfer is fast.  However, it is not only easy to operate and treat, but also has a spacious channel, which sets up a direct rail line for " high speed rail" for " water passing and knot dispersing" external natural therapy.
 Due to its favorable conditions of wet temperature and natural sealing, the disease is near to the medicine, which is more favorable for the biological external medicine to rapidly decompose its lumps by means of amplification and cutting of its natural and similar culture medium. the medicine is absorbed directly through the intestinal chorionic membrane and directly enters the mesenteric lymph and blood circulation, cutting off its growth chain and transmission path and preventing its " bad heart" from being transferred under darkness.  This should also be attributed to the new measures of " external treatment of medical waterways" and the book " water supply and dispersion of knot" external treatment of natural therapy.
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