澳门就没有高频彩吗 第十一节 十二癌症是重点 04

导读:(4) 坚持锻炼: 美国研究人员认为,每周运动5次以上,每次30分钟慢跑或1小时散步就能预防结肠直肠癌。 (5) 防癌疫苗: 美国纽约斯隆凯特林癌症研究所的研究人员,曾合成了一种可以...

澳门就没有高频彩吗 (4)坚持锻炼:美国研究人员认为,每周运动5次以上,每次30分钟慢跑或1小时散步就能预防结肠直肠癌。
( 4 ) Stick to exercise: American researchers believe that exercising more than five times a week, jogging for 30 minutes or walking for one hour at a time can prevent colorectal cancer.
( 5 ) Anti-cancer vaccine: researchers at catlin cancer research institute in Si Long, new York, United States, have synthesized a vaccine that can prevent colon cancer to prevent colon cancer.
( 6 ) Chemical prevention: chemical prevention of colorectal cancer has a long history and there are many kinds of drugs.  In addition to vitamin d, vitamin b 6 and folic acid mentioned above, some studies have found that regular aspirin can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, but the results of random studies on aspirin are inconsistent.  Researchers at Oxford university in England believe that taking at least 300 milligrams of aspirin a day for at least five years will reduce the risk of colon cancer by more than one third.  The effect is more obvious in the first 10 to 15 years after taking it, and the possibility of suffering from intestinal cancer will be reduced by 74 %.  A us study shows that aspirin is more effective in preventing colon cancer than recommended for preventing heart disease, but large doses can cause internal bleeding.  In short, prevention of rectal cancer and colon cancer should follow the principle of eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  Eat less fatty foods;  Carry out adequate sports and so on, especially those over 40 years old.
核桃、杏仁、腰果、榛子等富含硒和维生素E,多吃可能防前列腺癌。绿茶中的儿茶酚也能抑制前列腺癌的发生。美国科学家发现,每天喝一两杯红酒可防前列腺癌。总之,预防前列腺癌的饮食,应是:在食物总热量中脂肪所占的比率低于20%;每天摄入豆制品食物204克;每天摄入硒200微克;每天摄取维生素E 400—800国际单位;多饮绿茶,同时多吃些新鲜蔬菜和水果。
7. Men's " that point" is a big  problem
 Prostatic cancer has become a common malignant tumor in men, second only to lung cancer in the death rate of cancer in men.  Therefore, men should actively prevent their own " that point".
 ( 1 ) Dietary prevention: judging from the currently known high-risk factors, what is of preventive significance is the dietary factors that induce prostate cancer. in the dietary aspect, the following aspects should be emphasized.
 Eat less fat.  Research shows that too much fatty food intake increases the risk of adenocarcinoma.  You should also eat less red meat such as pigs, cattle and mutton or processed meat such as sausages, sausages and bacon: ham and canned meat. barbecue, baking and frying meat can increase the incidence of prostate cancer.  The world cancer research foundation suggests that if the food cannot be short of red meat, the amount of calories provided should be less than 10 % of the total calories consumed per day. a person's daily intake of red meat should be controlled below 80g.  Because cholesterol can increase the synthesis of androgens, the increase of testosterone ratio in androgens is an important risk factor for prostate cancer.  Therefore, lowering cholesterol can prevent prostate cancer.
U.s. scientists have found that the " essence" rich in green leafy plants such as fruits, vegetables and beans can prevent and treat prostate cancer.  Therefore, eating more fruits, vegetables and beans, such as apples, onions, onions, garlic, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, bean products ( tofu, beancurd, soybean milk, etc. ) can prevent prostate cancer.
 Eat more fish.  A study by the medical college of Caroline in Sweden found that fish contains more omega - 3 fatty acids, so eating more salmon, herring or mackerel can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer.  Flaxseed is also rich in omega - 3 fatty acids, so flaxseed can also prevent prostate cancer.
  Walnuts, almonds, cashews and hazelnuts are rich in selenium and vitamin e, and eating more may prevent prostate cancer.  Catechol in green tea can also inhibit the occurrence of prostate cancer.  Us scientists found that drinking one or two glasses of red wine a day can prevent prostate cancer.  In short, the diet to prevent prostate cancer should be: the proportion of fat in the total calories of food is less than 20 %;  Daily intake of 204g soy food;  Daily intake of selenium 200 micrograms;  Daily intake of vitamin e 400 - 800 international units;  Drink more green tea and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits at the same time.
( 2 ) Weight loss: a study in the United States found that men's weight loss can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.  For example, people who lose more than 5kg are 42 % less likely to develop diffuse prostate cancer than people who do not lose weight, and obese people are 7 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than people who lose 5kg or more.
 ( 3 ) Exercise: the study found that men over 65 years old can reduce the risk of advanced prostate cancer or death from this disease by 70 % if they exercise vigorously for more than 3 hours a week, such as running, cycling, swimming, etc. but they have no such effect on young men.  You can also take a 30 - minute walk six times a week at a moderate speed to prevent prostate cancer.
( 4 ) Decompression: do one hour of yoga every day, or practice 30 minutes of qigong, including stretching, breathing, meditation and relaxation.
 ( 5 ) Sun exposure: elderly men living in high latitudes in the north should have 10 minutes per day to allow their bodies to receive sunlight to prevent prostate cancer.
( 6 ) " Annual inspection": men over 50 years old should have their blood PSA ( prostate specific antigen ) checked once a year.  American society of clinical oncology ( ASCO ) and American urology association(ALA)recommend regular PSA screening, and asymptomatic men with PSA≤3.0 ng / ml should use 5a reductase inhibitor ( 5-ARI) to prevent prostate cancer.  In order to prevent prostate cancer from lifestyle, apart from doing the above points well, 58 grams of soybean protein powder, 3 grams of fish oil, 400 international units of vitamin E, 2 grams of vitamin C and 200 micrograms of selenium should be taken daily.
8. Severe patients with waterway bleeding
 The prevention of bladder cancer should take preventive measures against the causes, such as improving the conditions for industrial production of dyes, rubber, etc.  Avoid taking a lot of drugs that can cause bladder cancer for a long time.  Attaches great importance to the follow-up of hematuria patients, especially for men over 40 years old who have unexplained gross hematuria, the possibility of tumor should be considered.  To prevent bladder cancer from lifestyle, the following points should be paid attention to:
 Drink more water, because compared with men who drink less than 5 cups ( 1.29 litres ) of water a day, men who drink 6 glasses ( 1.4 litres ) a day have a 16 % lower risk of bladder cancer, while those who drink 9 glasses ( 2.2 litres ) have a 30 % lower risk and those who drink 10.6 glasses ( 2.531 litres ) have a 50 % lower risk.
 Eat more fruits and vegetables;  Adequate vitamin e intake in foods such as almonds, spinach, olive oil and sunflower seeds can reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50 %.  U.s. scientists pointed out that eating purple cabbage and cabbage more than three times a month reduced the risk of bladder cancer by about 40 %.  Those who did not smoke and ate purple cabbage more than three times a month had a 73 % lower risk of bladder cancer.  Because cooking will destroy 60 % - 90 % of isothiocyanates in purple cabbage, it is best to eat cold mix or salad, etc.
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