澳门马报资料澳门不夜城 第十一节 十二癌症是重点 05

导读:9. 子宫癌发大龄段 子宫癌即子宫体癌,发生在子宫内膜,故又称为子宫内膜癌。近年来有上升趋势,其发病率仅次于宫颈癌、卵巢癌,而位居女性生殖道恶性肿瘤的第三位。本病多发于...

澳门马报资料澳门不夜城 9.子宫癌发大龄段
9. Age segment of uterine cancer
 Uterine cancer, or uterine body cancer, occurs in the endometrium, so it is also called endometrial cancer.  In recent years, there has been an upward trend. its incidence is second only to cervical cancer and ovarian cancer, and it is the third most malignant tumor in female genital tract.  Most of the cases occurred after 50 years old and accounted for 75 % of all cases. therefore, prevention should be strengthened for these women.  In order to prevent this disease, we should strengthen the publicity of the prevention and control knowledge, so that the vast number of women, especially women after menopause, should master the prevention knowledge and methods. women under 50 years old should have gynecological examinations once every two years. women between 50 and 60 years old should have a history of irregular vaginal bleeding once a year, and those who have a history of irregular vaginal bleeding should be examined in a timely manner.  If estrogen is used to treat menopausal syndrome, it is best not to use the dosage within the minimum range.  At ordinary times, you should keep your mood relaxed, work and rest, and exercise properly.  In food, you should eat more beans, especially soybeans and bean products, such as tofu and soy milk, whole wheat foods rich in crude fiber, vegetables and fruits, etc.  Eat less or no hair, spicy food, smoking or drinking.
10. Women's yin palace is more risky
 Cervical cancer is a serious threat to women's health, ranking first among women's reproductive tract malignant tumors.  Prevention should be actively carried out.  In order to prevent cervical cancer, we should marry late and have children later, have fewer and healthier children, control sexual life, pay attention to sexual health and put an end to sexual disorder.  Women over 40 years old undergo gynecological examination once a year.  Active treatment should be given to chronic cervicitis and cervical erosion.  Timely removal of cervical polyps.  Forbidden tobacco, wine, spicy products;  Eat less leek, green onion, etc.  U.s. scientist Robert rose pointed out that a vaccine developed with genetically modified potatoes can protect women from papillomavirus.  Experts also pointed out that it is expected to develop an oral vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.  German scientists have also developed a transgenic potato that can produce cervical cancer vaccine substances. after eating this potato, you can get the equivalent effect of vaccination.
11. The "king" of uterine cancer haunts the woman
 The female ovary is a separate part, which lives in another hidden " deep palace" behind the uterus.  The incidence of ovarian cancer accounts for about 9 % of women's reproductive tract malignant tumors. the difficulty of treatment is similar to pancreatic cancer. it can also be called " king", ranking second only to cervical cancer.  40 ~ 50 years old is the peak of the disease, so prevention should be actively carried out.  U.s. researchers found that giving birth late can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.  To prevent ovarian cancer early, every woman over 30 years old should have a regular gynecological examination once a year, and those with suspected symptoms should be further examined.  For women over 45 who have not given birth to a child, if they often have stomachache and abdominal distension, if there is no improvement after treatment, it may be the early sign of ovarian cancer.  Gynecological examination should be carried out in time to prevent ovarian cancer.  Research by berel and others at Oxford university in England has confirmed that oral contraceptives can effectively and permanently prevent ovarian cancer.  The longer women take oral contraceptives, the lower the risk of ovarian cancer.  Even after withdrawal, the preventive effect of oral contraceptives on ovarian cancer can last for more than 30 years, but it will gradually weaken.
12. Beware of radiation drill for skin cancer
 Skin cancer is a frequent human cancer, with a high incidence rate among white people. its main prevention method is to protect the skin.  Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, radiation exposure and exposure to toxic chemicals.  Using cauliflower extract, us scientists found that green cauliflower bud extract can prevent skin cancer caused by ultraviolet rays.  U.s. scientists have found that supplements of proanthocyanidins ( gsp ) extracted from grape seeds can also prevent skin cancer. relaxing with a cup of tea every night can reduce the incidence of two common skin cancers, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma.  Australian scientists believe that black tea can also prevent skin cancer.  Japanese experts found that applying pure olive oil to the skin after sunbathing can prevent skin cancer.  Researchers at the university of Rutgers in new jersey said that exercise and moderate caffeine intake can help prevent skin cancer caused by sun exposure.  Scientists have developed a molecule that can effectively prevent skin cancer and so on.
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