开奖特马料精准一码免费中特 第十二节 现在多病癌不少 01

导读:第十二节 现在多病癌不少 Section Twelve (17) Many Diseases and Cancers Nowadays 现在病癌也不少这句话,因为它的下联人们都能二的原因可能有三大因素的答案。 The sentence there are many cancer patien...


第十二节  现在多病癌不少

            Section Twelve (17)  Many Diseases and Cancers Nowadays 
The sentence " there are many cancer patients now" is no surprise to people because its lower members can answer the high marks of " excellent" and " good". they all know that it is directly related to " eating, drinking, living and worrying about external factors". therefore, people are no longer surprised to hear this sentence.  In order to further enable people to understand the health knowledge of medical care from the perspective of their thoughts, and to understand the importance of preventing cancer over treating from the depth of their souls.  It is necessary to analyze the answers of experts at home and abroad and the answers of three major factors that may account for the high incidence of cancer in China and even Asia in the future.
Answer 1: China is a large agricultural country with more than 1 billion peasants. although science and technology continue to progress and develop, rural areas are not developed. the real urbanization level needed in rural areas cannot be reached at that time, and there are too few villages and towns that are truly rich.  To solve the problem of food and clothing, farmers need more security and demand for economic development, which may become the fundamental point that needs to be solved urgently in our country's rural areas for 100 years.  Due to the large difference between urban and rural areas, adults and children all want to squeeze into the city, resulting in the shortage of schools and land. a large number of migrant workers flock to the city, causing the city's population to soar and prices to soar. this has increased great pressure on the traffic and environment of the original city and caused great pollution to the environment.  Moreover, due to the need for competition among people entering the city, it will inevitably lead to an increase in their emotional changes and pressures in various aspects, and great changes will also take place in their living habits.  And because of the temptation of money, now people are less aware of studying law and learning to prevent diseases themselves.  Even teenagers who are in need of learning are infatuated with the foreign flavor of " McDonald's" and " KFC" in the city.  There are many people who want to enjoy, but the time for exercise is reduced.  Data from the world health organization show that more than 50 % of cancers can be prevented through exercise, healthy diet, non - smoking, alcohol restriction, mental and physical decompression, emotional adjustment, and early prevention.
However, nowadays people pay attention to eating well. there are many people who eat outside, which is different from their own relative health and hygiene.  People's taste is demanding, meat barbecue is more, vegetables and coarse grains are eaten less instead, people with overweight stomachs grow longer, the number of people over 40 years old who have high blood fat alone rises to about half, and the number of people suffering from the " three highs" syndrome and its complications is more.  The mobile phone stays on its body, has a long time on the phone, has a lot of electrical contact and radiation time, and has a high demand for people's laziness, causing impatience and pessimism, and being withdrawn and abnormal in character.  People who change their state can't hear anything good, and can do anything. these changes can be seen, and they may all be the risk of causing cancer.  Especially lung, stomach, liver and intestine.  Dr. Tang parkin of Oxford university in England analyzed that if there is no good change measure, the incidence of cancer in Asia will increase by more than 60 % and may rise to nearly 10 million cases by 2020.  Asia is a continent with the largest population in the world and is also considered to be relatively poor. China accounts for one fifth of the world's population and is also a country with a high incidence of cancer. the incidence rate of cancer is far higher than one fifth of the world's population.
According to CCTV media reports, China can add 3.5 million new cancer patients every year in the near future, plus the original number of nearly 6 million cancer patients every year. everyone knows how much disaster it will bring to the family, society and national economy. to be honest, cancer is really hard to completely cure.  Therefore, we should not take lightly and pay attention to prevention.
The following author uses four different overlapping word to weave five lines of rhymes. first, it is catchy and interesting to read. second, it allows it to summarize the reality of the times from a macro perspective. at the same time, it can be seen. through hard work, it can realize the whole process of real story sample.  And there is also a determination to encourage people to change their bad lifestyle habits and build their own beautiful homes.  People can learn more culture in a quiet and beautiful environment and have rich scientific knowledge of health care, so that people can realize their wish of health and longevity.
Old and young, the city poured in, and the schools in the villages were empty.
 Cars are blocked everywhere, things are rising, things are rising and things are difficult to stop.
 Eating, drinking and learning are bad, fat, fat, sick and sick.
 Villages and towns, towns and cities, really do what you can.
 Change to go to school and study, and be healthy and fit for everyone.
Second, China's economy and science and technology are not sufficiently developed, and the prevention of cancer virus vaccination is also linked to the lack of health knowledge.  This is also one of the reasons for the high incidence of cancer in our country.  For example, more than 3 / 4 of the liver cancer diseases in the world will occur in Asia, and China is the country with the largest number of hepatitis b patients in Asia. according to relevant data, there are about 100 million people with hepatitis b and hepatitis b virus carriers in China, and about 150 million people with different liver diseases. hepatitis b is also the main cause of liver cancer.  Western countries use hepatitis b vaccine much earlier than our country. up till now, there are still some backward Asian countries or regions whose children have not received hepatitis b vaccine yet.  Not to mention the use of colon cancer vaccine, American lung cancer vaccine, prostate vaccine, melanin vaccine, leukemia vaccine and so on by the British.  Developed westerners have long recognized that corn, coarse grains of whole grain crude fiber, vegetables, bitter wild vegetables and the like have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.  However, most people in our country grew up from the countryside, and when they were not rich, they pursued some enjoyment of foreign food, such as some carbonated ice drinks, fried hot chicken and French fries.  This is a fast food when modern foreigners no longer eat more. the function of that heat, ? and fried food is harmful to the stomach. the Ministry of health of our country has long emphasized that eating more fried potato chips and starch food can be carcinogenic and cannot be eaten more.  To dilute the original diligence is a magic weapon to exercise, to bear hardships, to be sour, to be raw, plain and tasteless, and to prevent cancer.
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