澳门一肖--第1页 第十二节 现在多病癌不少 02


澳门一肖--第1页 再说妇女宫颈癌疫苗可以预防70%以上其癌发病率。美国3支宫颈癌疫苗要在400美元以上,估计从进口到用在妇女身上约需花七、八千元。这样的昂贵的疫苗对我国普通百姓自费是很难普及的。有资料统计报道,近些年来,我国妇女患宫颈癌概率也是急剧上升,仅次于妇女中最高发的乳腺癌属第二杀手癌。这也可能与此有点关系。还有一些人已感到身体某部位有反常“征兆”,也多有考虑它的可疑,也想做个癌症全面检查,可一打听少则几千,多则几万元,一般检查费大都是自费的多,造成能忍则忍,能扛则扛,等到坚持不住再去大医院检查确诊己到了晚期难治的地步。
Besides, the cervical cancer vaccine can prevent over 70 % of the cancer incidence among women.  Three cervical cancer vaccines in the United States cost more than us $ 400. it is estimated that it will cost about 7,000 to 8,000 yuan from import to use on women.  Such expensive vaccines are very difficult to popularize to ordinary people in our country at their own expense.  Statistics show that in recent years, the probability of cervical cancer among women in our country has also increased sharply, second only to the highest incidence of breast cancer among women, which is the second killer cancer.  This may also have something to do with this.  Other people have already felt abnormal " signs" in some parts of their bodies, have also considered their suspicions, and also want to have a comprehensive cancer examination. however, if they ask for a few thousand dollars, they will have to pay tens of thousands of yuan more. the general examination fee is mostly at their own expense, which results in being able to bear it, but can bear it, and can carry it. when they can't hold on to it, they will go to the big hospital to have a final diagnosis, which has reached the point where it is difficult to handle in the late stage.
 Even if the results were found early, they would lose confidence because of the misconception that " cancer is difficult to cure". there are still many people who are resigned to their fate.  As a result, many people go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment when they are so ill that they cannot insist on having cancer cachexia.  Therefore, most of the diseases have reached the advanced stage and have lost the best treatment period, increasing the death rate of cancer.
Thirdly, before the eighties, our country did not have anything to eat because of the lack of material life.  By the nineties, there were many kinds of goods, not only satisfying people's material needs, but even food products that they had not heard of and never seen were also very abundant.  In particular, various wines, carbonated beverages, animal meat containing compound feeds, additive foods, chemical industry, radiation of electronic and physical magnetic fields, and pollution and damage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to the land have also caused certain damage to genetically modified articles in recent years.  There are still more land to be wasted, while some soils artificially need it to grow crops too fast, which adds to the burden. frequent use of chemical fertilizers and " growth promoter" to promote early growth of plants will give soil essential fission and bring " life promoter" genes to what grows.
 The man-made destruction of the natural environment also has a certain influence on the health of the body.  At the same time, the pressure to compete with work increases, and people's taste increases accordingly.  Regardless of what people all know about the harm of alcohol and tobacco, the salty and spicy barbecue alone and the sweet food of foreign fast food are also favored by people of all ages.  Older people who haven't eaten or seen before often eat hard and drink more. young people often eat and use tricks to eat. they have to eat even if they are short of one mouthful. think about the reasoning and see that this major disease has a direct or indirect relationship with eating too much or being full.
For example, according to CCTV's official authoritative media, China should have 8640 cancer patients diagnosed every minute above the county level.  There will also be many people waiting to be diagnosed in the countryside or in worsening development. more than 10,000 people may suffer from cancer every day.  If people don't pay attention to the care of their bodies, cancer has reached the point where crazy people, regardless of age, rich or poor, regardless of organ size, may erupt in the same way. what a shocking tragedy this is.  Although cancer is easily suffered by older people, it is not accidental either. most of it develops and deteriorates from chronic diseases.  It is also mostly due to neglect of one's health when he was young. nowadays, cancer is also common among young people and children.  How to treat cancer?  If one does not attach importance to early prevention and early check-up and special good methods of early treatment, one can say: how much money is spent is only a continuation of time.  Cancer does not pity people until it is completely covered up.
Fourthly, the excessive disorder of modern food additives is beyond our imagination, beyond our control and beyond our expectation.  Especially in recent years, processed foods of some genetically modified ( DNA ) crops have entered tens of thousands of households. scientific imagination can be used to infer that the DNA originally arranged in order in plants can be changed by the application of artificial chemical enzymes. when people use the changed gene foods, the biological chain arrangement sequence of human genes ( DNA ) will be destroyed or changed relatively.  If the reproductive or genetic gene ( DNA ) is changed, it will cause physiological defects and diseases of the offspring and even the danger of extinction of the offspring.
 Gene ( DNA ) is a kind of system organization that controls all biological growth diseases, old death and other complicated codes.  In an important system organization such as a person, if it suffers from disorder or injury and destruction, those with light degree of damage will suffer from serious diseases of growth or immunity, while those with serious diseases will suffer from cancer and incurable diseases.  The medical profession has long proved that as long as there is a disorder of permutation and dislocation in human genes ( DNA ) and other sequences, it can seriously affect the disorder and disorder of bone marrow hematopoietic system and lead to leukemia, major diseases and cancer, poor growth and development, loss of immune function and other irreparable disasters. this is also a practical problem that human beings are facing that needs to be urgently solved.
另外,贫困国家和地区患癌率高还可能与人的道德修养,文化程度有关。贫穷的人可因钱舍命,会做许多“损人利己”的事;道德修养失去底线的人可能做出“ 损人不利已”的坏事;受教育文化程度有限的人,往往还会做出“害人害己”的蠢事。经研究推理这样的“三件事”往往也是人处于大脑所为而心理违愿,一时没有细想其后果,或不得已而为者多,对所为者与受损者的心身健康都会带来极大的伤害,有的还触犯了法律,甚者说它也是致癌因素也不为过。归纳以上致癌因素多,一定会有患癌症人多的道理,凡事有因是永恒的逻辑规律。作者呼唤每一位属于中华的儿女,都有责仼和义务爱护和建设好我们的国家,让她真正大而强。同时,也应该多重视癌症的预防,保护环境,珍惜生命。
In addition, the high incidence of cancer in poor countries and regions may also be related to people's moral cultivation and educational level.  Poor people can lay down their lives for money and do many things that " do harm to others and benefit themselves."  Those who lose their bottom line in moral cultivation may do bad things that " harm others and harm others".  People with limited educational level often do stupid things that " harm others and harm themselves".  Through research and reasoning, such " three things" are often done by people in their brains but not in their mind. at that time, they do not consider their consequences carefully, or they do it as a last resort. they will bring great harm to the mental and physical health of the people who do it and those who suffer from it. some of them also violate the law, even if they say that it is also a carcinogenic factor, it cannot be too much.  To sum up, there are many carcinogenic factors mentioned above, and there will definitely be many people suffering from cancer. it is an eternal logic law to have causes in all things.  The author calls on every child belonging to China to be responsible and obligated to take good care of and build our country so that she can be truly big and strong.  At the same time, more attention should also be paid to the prevention of cancer, the protection of the environment and the cherish of life.
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