澳门6合开彩开奖网站现场 第十三节 防癌百科要多晓 02

导读:护牙齿 牙齿脱落多注意食道、头颈、肺癌、特别食道癌的风险。 改方式 专家警告,不良生活方式引起的癌症正在快速上升,约占癌症80%的危险。随着人口老龄化、环境污染与人们不良...

澳门6合开彩开奖网站现场 护牙齿  牙齿脱落多注意食道、头颈、肺癌、特别食道癌的风险。
改方式  专家警告,不良生活方式引起的癌症正在快速上升,约占癌症80%的危险。 随着人口老龄化、环境污染与人们不良的生活行为和无度的生活方式,这三大原因。复旦大学钱浩教授认为:“除了5%—10%的遗传因素外,应该说90%—95%是后天原因。”有专家认为不良生活方式引起的“生活方式癌”所占比例高达80%。建议人们不可高蛋白、高脂肪、高胆固醇物质的摄取。
减营养  科学研究总结,大多数癌症与营养过量有关,如结肠癌、直肠癌、前列腺癌、胰腺癌、胃癌、乳腺癌、子宫癌、卵巢癌等都是发生在营养过盛人身上。现在人生活富裕了,讲究吃与惦记吃的人多了,由于劳动量的减少,图安逸享受的人会更多,因其体重超标与营养过剩的人也随之增多,故此导致患重大疾病的人急剧增多。生活中调查发现,平时越是讲究吃好喝好的人,越是容易患一些重大病症。注意身体既不可缺少所需的物质成份,但更为重要的是,不可花重金吃成营养过盛而造成“营养过盛癌”的风险。看来俗有“丑妻薄地无横祸,粗茶淡饭是寿福”,这句话也确有养生之道理。
Tooth protection   More attention should be paid to the risks of esophagus, head and neck, lung cancer and especially esophageal cancer when protecting teeth from falling off.
Change mode  Lifestyle experts warn that cancer caused by unhealthy lifestyles is rising rapidly, accounting for about 80 % of the risk of cancer.  With the aging of the population, environmental pollution, people's bad living behaviors and excessive lifestyle, these three main reasons are as follows.  Professor Qian Hao of Fudan university thinks: " apart from 5 % - 10 % of the genetic factors, it should be said that 90 % - 95 % are the acquired reasons.  Some experts believe that the proportion of " lifestyle cancer" caused by bad lifestyle is as high as 80 %.  It is suggested that people should not take high protein, high fat and high cholesterol substances.
 Reduced nutrition  According to the summary of scientific research on nutrition reduction, most cancers are related to overnutrition. for example, colon cancer, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. all occur in people with overnutrition.  Nowadays, people are rich in life, and more people pay attention to food and care about food. due to the decrease in the amount of labor, more people will enjoy comfort and comfort. as the number of people who are overweight and over-nourished also increases, the number of people suffering from major diseases has increased dramatically.  The survey found in life that the more people pay attention to eating well and drinking well at ordinary times, the more likely they are to suffer from some major diseases.  Pay attention to the essential physical components of the body, but more importantly, do not spend too much money on overeating and risk " overeating cancer".  It seems common to say that " ugly wife has no misfortune in a thin place, coarse tea and light rice are longevity blessings".This sentence also has the principle of keeping in good health.
重细节  日常生活中多注意开窗、乐观、饮茶、体检、吃带鱼、大蒜、橄榄油。低蛋白食物有助防癌。姜黄素就是调料中咖喱粉防肠癌。叶绿素、芥末、椰素茶都有防癌作用。妇女因生理比男人复杂,平日多注意生理与生活卫生。生育后的妇女喂养6个月后再给婴儿断奶也防癌。不育妇女要比已生育过的妇女患癌率高很多,因怀孕期间妇女得到内毒素的清理,它至少能保持好几年,甚至终身,难怪有人说自己怀孕什么病都感觉不到了。
防铁高  铁元素防癌,它高低都有害。在八十年代以前,我国因物质生活水平低,缺铁元素的人相对多一些。而现在几乎不见缺铁性贫血的病人了。它还可随年龄增长而积蓄。铁可导致氧化还原调解失衡,产生氧应激引起脂质过氧化,损伤DNA与蛋白,导致肠癌等多种癌症的发生,过量的铁是肝癌最危险的因素,降铁有助于防癌。中药青蒿素对其原因机体的癌防治贡献很大。
Heavy detail  Pay more attention to window opening, optimism, drinking tea, physical examination, eating hairtail, garlic and olive oil in daily life.  Low protein food helps prevent cancer.  Curcumin is curry powder in seasoning to prevent intestinal cancer.  Chlorophyll, mustard and coconut tea all have anti-cancer effects.  Because the physiology of women is more complicated than that of men, they usually pay more attention to physiology and life hygiene.  Women who give birth will also prevent cancer if they wean their babies after feeding them for 6 months.  Infertile women have a much higher cancer rate than women who have already given birth. because women get endotoxin clearance during pregnancy, it can last for at least several years or even for life. no wonder some people say that they cannot feel any disease during pregnancy.
  Anti-iron height  Iron is an anti-cancer element,  it is harmful both high and low. Before the eighties, due to the low material living standard in our country, there were relatively many people with iron deficiency elements.  But now there are almost no patients with iron deficiency anemia.  It can also accumulate with age.  Iron can lead to oxidation and reduction to mediate imbalance, produce oxygen stress to cause lipid peroxidation, damage DNA and protein, and lead to various cancers such as intestinal cancer. excessive iron is the most dangerous factor for liver cancer, and reducing iron is helpful to prevent cancer.  Artemisinin, a traditional Chinese medicine, has contributed greatly to the prevention and treatment of cancer in the body.
 Cancer prone to occur in three stages of life: childhood leukemia, malignant lymphoma, brain cancer, nerve cell cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, nephroblastoma, etc.  This is related to genetics, environment, immunity and virus infection, which are all factors causing cancer. pay attention to whether these can occur late or not.  Early staining of pregnant women with family history should be examined for early staining. they should not be exposed to benzene or phenol chemicals and should not use chloramphenicol, etc.
The common cancers among young adults are lung cancer, colorectal cancer ( 50 % over 50 years old ), gastric cancer ( 45 years old or so ) and breast cancer ( 45 - 55 years old ).  It is mainly to establish good eating habits and healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, maintain mental health, and exercise regularly.
 The old age is between 60 and 79 years old, and the most common cancers are gastric cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, etc.  Through the study of this book, early prevention, early investigation, early discovery, early diagnosis and early treatment can be achieved as far as possible.
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