办澳门劳务证需要什么资料 第十四节 体质体重看身材 01

导读:第十四节体质体重看身材 Section Fourteen (9) Physical weight depends on the figure 1. 体质变化可致癌 专家研究发现,癌症与人的体质类型也有关,包括易患癌症的体质类型和对癌症易感性的体质等...


第十四节 体质体重看身材

Section Fourteen (9)  Physical weight depends on the figure    
1. Physical changes can cause cancer
 Expert studies have found that cancer is also related to the types of people's constitutions, including those susceptible to cancer and those susceptible to cancer.
 ( 1 ) Dry and red constitution: people of this constitution have heavy internal heat for a long time, are irritable, upset, insomnia, constipation, yellow urine, red tongue, little or no tongue coating.  The metabolism of the human body shows pathological hyperfunction, which makes some tissues easily stimulated by internal and external stimuli, causing mutations and easily forming malignant tumors.
 ( 2 ) Obscure constitution: people with this constitution often have long-term and deep depression, and microcirculation in the body is often obstructed.  The complexion is dark, the body often has hidden pains in fixed parts of unknown causes, the tongue is blue and purple or has petechiae, and it is also prone to cancer.
 ( 3 ) Acidic constitution: because the human body has a certain ability to adjust the acid-base balance, under normal circumstances, the ph value in the body can maintain a relative balance, ranging from 7.35 to 7.45 ( ph value ).  If the ph value in the human body is often lower than 7.35, it is called acidic constitution.  People with acidic constitution are prone to cancer.  A key factor is that the blood quality of acidic constitution is a hotbed of cancer cells, and acidic constitution is also very beneficial to the metastasis and spread of cancer cells.
( 4 ) Allergic constitution: people with this constitution are prone to allergic diseases. patients often suffer from asthma, urticaria, food allergy or other allergic diseases.  Research from the karolinska institute in Sweden shows that allergies can lead to leukemia in adults.  People with allergic symptoms in childhood are much more likely to have leukemia than others.  Because the allergic environment has stimulated and destroyed the immune system of human body for a long time and induced the activity of cancer cells, it is more likely to increase the risk of leukemia for allergic people.
( 5 ) Qi deficiency constitution: this constitution is the sensitive constitution of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  Early nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients were characterized by heat and blood stasis.  One year after radiotherapy, the constitution is characterized by heat, blood stasis and dampness on the basis of qi deficiency.
 ( 6 ) Those with rapid development: the rapid development of adolescents increases the risk of cancer.  Today's teenagers are developing fast. even among teenagers aged 13 - 24, the incidence of cancer has increased by more than a quarter in 20 years and nearly a twentieth in the past 30 years.  Professor Archie Blair of the university of Texas said that the increase in height and weight of teenagers in the past half century may be a factor in the increase in cancer incidence.  Development is only possible because of cell pision, and cancer occurs when the process of cell pision encounters obstacles and loses control.  He added: " rapid growth and an increase in the number of cell pisions mean more opportunities for cancer development.  This is a price to pay for the improvement of living standards. Some studies show that the size of a baby at birth is related to his chance of developing cancer in childhood.  Professor Blair said: " the faster the baby develops in the womb, the bigger the baby is at birth, and the greater the rate of cancer at the early stage of life.  If the baby continues to develop rapidly, it will be more likely to develop cancer in the future.  " it can be seen that the rapid development of adolescents has also become a carcinogen.  Since genetics and environment ( including social environment and self ) are the main factors that affect people's constitution, and genetics and environment are the main factors that cause cancer, people's constitution has also become an important factor that causes cancer.
2. To lose weight over weight
 Obesity is a scourge of all kinds of diseases. according to data, more than 85 % of the " three highs" are caused by overweight. According to " external medical waterway science," excess weight is an increase in water, ointment, grease, and oil waste, which can block gland secretion everywhere, oppress organs, and detain blood to cause major diseases.  For example, diabetes is mostly caused by insulin secreted by the pancreas, which is blocked by excessive amounts of harmful substances such as fat and free fatty acids during the transfer route, thus causing the liver to not get enough insulin to regulate hepatic glycogen, thus causing the rise of blood sugar and urine sugar to form diabetes.  Ventricular hypertrophy also raises the heart laterally due to fat accumulation, thus affecting the heart's function of pumping and transferring blood.  Infertility caused by pressure of fallopian tubes is also caused by cold, dampness, blood stasis, stagnation in the abdomen and excessive extrusion with local fat, which prevents mature eggs from being discharged to the right place due to the obstruction of fallopian tubes caused by the above reasons, thus causing tubal nowhere's infertility, etc. "
At present, many people believe that environmental pollution is an important factor to increase the risk of cancer, while the report of the international anti-cancer association points out that many people tend to exaggerate the harm of environmental factors in the cause of cancer, but underestimate the harm caused by some habits that actually increase the risk of cancer.  However, obesity is precisely one of the most important causes of cancer that has been confirmed.  The world cancer research foundation announced that after a large-scale international survey of triple system mathematical analysis, the relationship between obesity and cancer is clear and correct. even if the weight is normal, a few pounds more will increase the risk of cancer.
 One study showed that the risk of cancer, especially breast cancer and colon cancer, is greatly reduced for patients with morbid obesity who have undergone weight loss surgery ( i.e. weight exceeding at least 45 kg ).  For example, the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer is reduced by about 85 % and about 70 % respectively, and the probability of pancreatic cancer, skin cancer and uterine cancer is also reduced to varying degrees. these studies have found that obesity may increase the risk of people suffering from various cancers.  It seems that people often say that " it's hard to buy old and thin with money" is indeed more philosophical than " blessing" for people.  Everyone knows the best way to lose weight: " keep your mouth shut and hold your legs," but that delicious food will make you greedy and lazy. only when you fully realize that obesity not only causes many serious diseases that are difficult to treat, but also is one of the culprits causing cancer, can you control your weight with this awareness.
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