澳门的药品二维码编号 第十五 节日常生活要注意 01

导读:第十五节日常生活要注意 Section Fifteen (7) Attention to Daily Life 1. 癌病需要处处提 由于致癌因素众多,并是由内外因素同时作用所引起的。外部因素是来自外界环境与人的工作和生活条件、...



Section Fifteen (7)  Attention to Daily Life
1. Cancer needs to be mentioned everywhere
 There are many carcinogenic factors, which are caused by both internal and external factors.  The external factors are closely related to people's working and living conditions, eating habits and so on. 70 % - 80 % of them are caused by external factors.  Such as physical, chemical and biological carcinogens.  Internal factors refer to changes in the internal structure and function of the human body, such as genetic, immune, and disturbance of metabolic regulation of the nervous and aqueous systems, which can lead to blood image disorder.  In addition, in recent years, there are still unknown internal and external factors that have greatly contributed to the high incidence of cancer and serious diseases.  Such as obesity in the human body, sexually open and chaotic variant virus, etc.  Among these external and internal carcinogenesis and serious illness factors, in addition to the various carcinogenesis factors mentioned above, we will now introduce several others for people's reference when eliminating various carcinogenesis factors.
( 1 ) Restrooms: Dr. mangos, a famous American cancer scientist, said: " among the residences, the place most likely to cause cancer is the restrooms.  Some people like to meditate and read newspapers in toilets. in fact, this greatly increases their chances of getting cancer.  " due to various chemical cleaning supplies in the restroom and the lack of air circulation, a large amount of chemical gas has accumulated in the room.  Most toilet paper will have formaldehyde, a chemical that can cause cancer.  Toilets are not only a hotbed of cancer, but also an important carcinogen.
 ( 2 ) Teflon: teflon is also called teflon. its key chemical raw material is perfluorooctanoic acid amine ( PFOA ), which is used for coating without touching the pan.  A preliminary study by the us environmental protection agency shows that teflon is " very likely to cause cancer."  Therefore, the world health organization recommends the use of traditional Chinese iron pans.
 ( 3 ) PVC preservative film: long-term use of PVC ( polyvinyl chloride ) preservative film may cause women to suffer from breast cancer, congenital defects of newborns, reduced sperm count of men, and even mental diseases.  Europe and the United States banned the use of PVC as food packaging materials several years ago. Japan also banned PVC food packaging in 2000.  Pe ( polyethylene ) preservative film can be used instead of PVC preservative film.  In our country, almost all supermarkets use PVC plastic wrap, which increases the carcinogenic factors.
( 4 ) Clothing dyes: the national textile and clothing product quality supervision and inspection center found on a batch of samples that some famous brand clothing fabrics contain banned toxic dyes, and also detected benzidine, a highly carcinogenic substance, with the most serious exceeding the standard reaching 190 times.  The incidence of bladder cancer in people who frequently come into contact with benzidine is 28 times higher than that in normal people.  Benzidine can lead to bladder cancer, ureteral cancer and renal pelvis cancer with a latency of up to 20 years.  Obviously, the carcinogens contained in clothing should not be neglected.
( 5 ) Waste batteries: research by American scientists shows that cadmium in waste batteries may be directly related to the occurrence of breast cancer in men.  Metal cadmium exists in batteries, alloys and other materials. the combustion of oil will produce cadmium.  Shellfish seafood, animal livers, kidneys, etc. also contain cadmium.  For every pack of cigarettes smoked, cadmium in the body will increase by 2 - 4 micrograms.
( 6 ) Correction fluid: its ingredients are methyl alkane hexane, titanium dioxide, etc. which are toxic to human body.  If there is too much benzene in it, it will lead to gene changes, degeneration of blood cells and leukemia.
( 7 ) Deodorant: a study by the university of reading found that some breast cancer patients have p-hydroxybenzoic acid lipid compounds in their cancer cell tissues, which are sweating compounds.  These compounds, which help to suppress sweating, may change the endocrine of the human body and cause cancer.
( 8 ) Talcum powder: medical research shows that the incidence of ovarian cancer in women who often use talcum powder in their lower body is about four times higher than that of ordinary women.  The main body powder
( 9 ) Pesticides: several research results show that pesticides are linked to breast cancer.  Arazo tot of the university of taffeta in the United States said that a pesticide called endosulfan has similar effects to estrogen in humans, so U.S. medical experts believe that some pesticides may cause breast cancer.
( 10 ) Pesticides: studies have found that people who frequently come into contact with pesticides are 2.6 times more likely to have brain tumors than ordinary people.  Pesticides may also be a carcinogen.
( 11 ) Wood chips: some experts pointed out that wood chips are the second largest carcinogen after asbestos.  Nearly 200,000 French workers work in wood chips every day, while wood workers and joinery workers are 40 times more likely to suffer from nasopharyngeal cancer and nasal sinus cancer than those who do not touch wood chips.
( 12 ) Persistent organic pollutants: the rising incidence of cancer is threatening human health. the main cause of cancer is the toxic chemicals created by human beings, that is, compounds of persistent organic pollutants.  At present, the 12 pops that are most harmful to human health and the natural environment that are required to be eliminated internationally are aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, DDT, heptachlor, chlordane, mirex, toxaphene, hexachlorobenzene, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins and furosemide.  At present, pops pollution in our country is very serious, so there are many carcinogenic factors.
2. Sandals alert to skin diseases
 It has become a fashion for modern women to wear cool slippers in summer.  However, Anthony Kontos, a doctor of foot diseases in London, England, reminded the ladies that wearing sandals is harmful to their health because wearing them directly exposes large areas of the skin of their feet to the sun.  Therefore, the risk of skin cancer has been increased unconsciously.  Cancer of the foot is manifested as a tumor of the foot, which usually forms under the soles of the feet, toes or toenails.  Since such tumors do not cause pain or discomfort, they are difficult to detect by patients.  If the skin is exposed to the sun for a long time in childhood, the probability of malignant skin tumors will be greater.
3. Check the household goods carefully
 Many of the household articles are carcinogens, such as medicines, pesticides in vegetables, cosmetics, household plastic products and rubber products. carcinogens from household foods include bacon, pickles and fried foods, barbecue foods, overcooked foods, food preservatives, additives, old fire soup, and microwave cooked foods. people have gradually paid attention to these carcinogens.  However, there are still some little-known carcinogens that have not attracted people's attention.
( 1 ) Tap water: researchers in the United States have found that bactericides, such as bleaching powder, added to tap water will release active chlorine. if tap water with active chlorine is drunk for a long time, bladder cancer and rectal cancer may be induced.  The carcinogen is not bleaching powder, but a byproduct of chlorine produced by its chemical reaction with pollutants in water.
( 2 ) White paper: scientists have found that white paper used in daily life is also one of carcinogens.  Because paper usually contains a kind of food that is easily absorbed by fat, if food containing fat is packaged with white paper, this carcinogenic compound may dissolve into food. if people often eat food containing this carcinogen, they will get sick unconsciously.
( 3 ) Household appliances: today's households already have various household appliances, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, computers, electric fans, electric heaters, etc.  As household appliances produce electromagnetic waves of various wavelengths and frequencies, electromagnetic pollution that threatens people's health is formed.  The scientists used mice to carry out microwave radiation experiments and found that white blood cells of mice proliferated irregularly, which was very similar to the self-cell proliferation produced by blood cancer, which suggested that microwaves might cause cancer.
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