香港六和合彩119资料 第十六节 陋习“良心”也致癌 01

导读:第十六节陋习良心也致癌 Section Sixteen (6) Bad habits Conscience also causes Cancer 1. 饮食陋习定要改 环境医学的研究早巳证明,饮食是生活性致癌的重要渠道之一,也是一项重要的引发癌症的因...


第十六节 陋习“良心”也致癌

Section Sixteen (6)  Bad habits  " Conscience" also causes Cancer
1. Bad eating habits must be changed
 Environmental medicine research has long proved that diet is one of the important channels for life-related cancer and is also an important factor causing cancer.  Bad eating habits are also easy to cause cancer.  Today, some bad eating habits that are prone to cancer are summarized as follows.
 ( 1 ) Like to eat " three highs" diet: frequent high-fat diet is easy to cause various cancers, because many cancers are related to eating high-fat diet;  Frequent high-sodium diet can increase the incidence of gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, bladder cancer, etc.  Eating too much sugar frequently can make body fluids acidic, consume a large amount of calcium, cause calcium deficiency, and easily induce cancer.
( 2 ) Often eat pickled products: this will consume more nitrate, which is a strong carcinogen, thus easily inducing cancer.
 ( 3 ) Eating fish raw and drinking strong liquor: Guangzhou people are especially fond of eating fish raw and drinking strong liquor when eating fish raw. this kind of bad eating habits will bring greater burden to the liver, so it is easy to promote the high incidence of liver cancer.
( 4 ) Frequent food taken late at night: Japanese professor Kuroda ying found that people who often eat late at night are prone to gastric cancer and obesity and diabetes.  This is because the regeneration and repair of the gastric mucosa is carried out during the rest of the gastrointestinal tract at night. if one often eats at night and the gastrointestinal tract is not rested, the gastric mucosa cannot be repaired smoothly.  Then, the food taken late at night stays in the stomach for a long time, which promotes the secretion of a large amount of gastric juice and stimulates the gastric mucosa. over time, it can weaken the erosion, ulcer and resistance of the gastric mucosa. if the food contains carcinogens, it is more likely to lead to gastric cancer.
 ( 5 ) Greedy snacks: studies by American nutrition experts have shown that greedy snacks can cause cancer just as much as exposure to radiation, because the synthesis and repair of human DNA requires folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin b, vitamin L2, vitamin c, vitamin e, etc. without these vitamins, DNA damage cannot be repaired and it is easy to suffer from lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc.  However, most snacks, biscuits, potato chips, candies, chocolate, sweet drinks and convenience foods contain very little vitamins.  Vitamin supplements cannot completely replace the vitamin supply in natural foods.  Therefore, vitamins can play the most effective anti-cancer role only when they are combined with other health ingredients in natural foods, so snacking is easy to cause cancer. In addition, eating western food often ( because of meat, sugar and so on, less fresh vegetables and fruits ) is easy to suffer from colon cancer, and eating out often increases the incidence of colon cancer.  Men eat too much, which also increases the possibility of cancer and so on.  In our country's Augmented Sage there is a poem of"Eating more delicately and being sickly, worrying too much and worrying too much" which the ancients had long warned people to be happy with their food.
2. 多饮温水都应该
谈到喝水的话题,作者想起走访杭州一位百岁之外舍老爷爷的长寿秘诀时,他很风趣的说:“我不懂养生,小时候一次渴极了,猛喝一大口热水嘴都烫烂了,从那以后不喝热水。困难时期开水冷温了喝,或不烧也喝。现在都是过滤水,热天多喝,冷天少喝,但一定不是冰凉的水。习惯只用温乎水洗澡,冷天每周让身体出一次汗,粗茶淡饭随意,吃孬吃好从不讲究,填肚子饱不饿就得,大便一定不能干”。 老人没有文化,可他处处做的都是科学养生之道,他的长寿事实也验证了养生经典理论。温水含氧,汗便排毒,老爷爷您真高!
 2. Drink more warm water should be
 When talking about drinking water, the author remembered the secret to longevity of a hundred-year-old grandfather in Hangzhou. he was very funny and said, " I don't know how to preserve one's health. when I was a child, I was extremely thirsty. I took a big gulp of hot water and my mouth was burnt to pieces. I didn't drink hot water since then.  During difficult times, boiled water is warmed up or drunk without burning.  Now it is filtered water. drink more in hot days and drink less in cold days, but it must not be cold water.  I am used to bathing in warm water only. I sweat my body once a week in cold weather. I eat coarse tea and light rice at will. I never pay attention to eating well. if I am full or hungry, I must not dry my bowels. "  The old man has no culture, but what he does everywhere is the scientific way of keeping in good health. his longevity fact also verifies the classical theory of keeping in good health.  Warm water contains oxygen, sweat removes toxin, grandpa, you are really tall!
The story of grandpa's secret to longevity reminds people who are indifferent to the heat and cold that neither drinking water nor eating in life is too hot or too cold to be healthy, especially women and children. they should also guard against cold or cold attacks and injuries.  " temperature" is the bridge between heat and cold. the concept of temperature is very broad and vague.  For example, words such as " Mao Wen,"" not hot or cool,"" somewhat hot" and " ok" can be used to describe the meaning of " Wen".  The following uses a paragraph of mandarin and a chart to illustrate that drinking warm water and eating warm food are beneficial to health. it is more likely to have a general explanation range for the " warm", " hot", " hot" and " open" of its water ( for reference only ).  It can be described as follows:
Warm water relieves thirst and nourishes internal organs, ensuring healthy water system.
 Don't rush to eat less heat in everything. cancer of the mucous membrane is rampant due to heat cutting.
 Cold coagulation bumps mutate cancer, often drinking cold water, spleen and stomach injury.
 It is better to warm between cold and heat, while everything is warm and long.
Schematic diagram of the range of temperature, heat, cool and ice and their effects on health
Water is the source of human life, but if there is improper drinking water, it means that the human body is chronically short of water or often drinks water that is not good for human health, it will cause disease and cancer.
 When I was a child, I saw and drank little seisensui by the river bank. it was because the members of the production team were far away from the village when they were doing farm work in the field. In order to gain time and labor efficiency, the captain would bring a shovel and a ladle when he went down to the field. first, he dug a small well of spring water at the edge of the local river where he was going to work. after being clarified by infiltration and filtration of mud, it was convenient, safe and sanitary for people to drink.  Because, at that time, the river water was clear and transparent, and there was no mixed and disorderly substance or chemical compound smell.
 Recalling the clear and flowing river water all the year round, fish frogs could soar and sing in their natural environment. drinking a few sweet springs with a little bit of soil fragrance could solve the hot summer heat of people at any time, and they were also very safe after drinking.  Although the material conditions were very different at that time, the affection between nature and human beings was more memorable and desirable.
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