澳门彩开奖结果和资料 第十六节 陋习“良心”也致癌 07


澳门彩开奖结果和资料 日常生活中,常听道有人这样不解的自问,“我做事很是努力了,为什么总是不能成功呢”?这说明做事不仅要符合方法比努力重要的规则,更重要是靠朋友的支持与帮助。再看你平日交际朋友的多少、质量与层次的圈限。“孤掌难鸣”虽是老话,但它很形象又富有哲理。
作者在门诊上常能听到有患者说:“我这病硬是我那没良心的朋友给害的”。 世上什么物品不缺,就研发不出来也买不到后悔的药。生活中善良的人们大都因为交友不慎恼伤过,只有吃一堑,长一智吧,怪谁都是晚了。要怪就得怪李白老先生才对,你是千古的词仙诗圣,当时你老云游天下,只顾游山玩水交友饮酒挥豪,你那“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”代代从娃娃都会畅吟。特别是儿画中的你,那副头戴蜗牛帽,身穿长袖大袍,昂脸理胡,一手背腰,望瀑布喷水的诗性感概,真让人爱慕的敬仰又是永久性的铭记。有的还画你是手中举杯,而且还能看之有酒的样子呢。
In daily life, I often hear people asking themselves, " I work very hard. why can't I always succeed?"  This shows that doing things should not only conform to the rule that methods are more important than efforts, but also rely on the support and help of friends.  Let's look at how many friends you socialize with on weekdays, the limit of quality and level.  Although it is an old saying that " it is difficult to sing alone", it is very vivid and full of philosophy.
 The author can often hear a patient say in the outpatient service: " I am ill because of my conscienceless friend."  Nothing in the world is short of, so you can't develop or buy any medicine that you regret.  Most of the good people in life have been annoyed and hurt by making friends carelessly. they only have to learn from the past and learn from the past. it is too late to blame anyone.  To blame you, you have to blame Li Bai, an old gentleman. you are the immortal poet. at that time, you traveled all over the world all the time. you only wanted to travel mountains, play with water, make friends, drink, and be proud. your generation of " flying down three thousands of feet, suspected to be the milky way falling nine days" will sing freely from the dolls.  Especially you in the picture of the son, wearing a snail's cap, a long-sleeved robe, an upturned face, a waist on the back of the hand, looking at the poem of waterfalls spraying water is sexy. the admiration that really makes people admire is forever remembered.  Some even draw that you raise a glass in your hand and can see the appearance of wine.
At the beginning, in your old age, people might have used their own double-edged sword for the sake of their friends' passion.  Surprisingly, there are many people who are making profits now. it is still unknown to " insert" or " not insert" knives for friends. it may sprinkle a handful of salt on the place where others are most hurt before they feel hidden.  If you don't say it, you probably don't have the meaning of " falling to the ground" either. it's also good to be " near but far away", lest you add the word " trouble" to yourself.  If you write a definition of the word " friend" in addition to your euphoria and come up with a few small layout-based draft poems, it will also leave a template for our descendants to follow, even if it is your little experience, or if there is a standard hint of generality, it may not be the tragedy that so many people mention friends and sorrow today!
 It is said that your old man is a " wine fairy" who has gone through thick and thin clouds. in fact, you have made a fatal mistake. you also blame the time when you did not understand that alcohol contained " ethanol" as alcohol. it hurt the liver and damaged the body, causing many major diseases of liver, heart, brain or cancer.  Your little master's intellectual defect was caused by your excessive drinking. now it should be understood that it is thousands of years later.  If you sleep because of wine, please wake up grandpa Li.  Take a look at today's changes, and you may not drink so much maotai wine.  If you are still so fond of traveling and writing, the famous mountain and holy land you have visited are all on the expressway, which is definitely convenient for driving.  But now there are many people and many cars, and the government also has special prohibition on alcohol, driving cars on the road with alcohol.
I am a doctor who does not understand literature. in order to prompt people to raise their awareness of disease prevention and the consequences of making friends carelessly, I have learned 168 words of " the way of friends" from the word " friends" in order to give friends a general definition and requirement of sex, thus prompting people to have an alert identification and a slightly directional measurement of being a person among cancer prevention and making friends and making friends. I will try my best to let people know whether the disease is prevention or cure, whether friends are in the heart or not, and also try my best to bring less harmful heart diseases to friends and friends. it is healthy knowledge to give them more and wish them a good luck along the way.  By the way, I also wrote a song to praise everyone's friends in my heart.  This requires you to sketch a few more strokes, grandpa. I tell you and the readers that I will accept as a treasure how much I mention and how much I don't criticize, and use it for study and research.
The way of a friend: a friend should be someone who understands the truth, can complain about happiness and sorrow, dare to be responsible, and can trust everything.  However, different friends are different from each other.  While successful people have political integrity and understanding, they also pay more attention to the encouragement and help of their friends, who are rich and prudent.
 Therefore, we should cooperate and support our friends more, and criticize and ask for less.  Friends are like bridges that can only be loaded and taken out when they are heavy.  Parents are not allowed to choose, friends should be screened immediately, and people who are calculating should be careful to prevent troubles and injuries that they seek and then abandon.  People often think twice about it and have heaven and earth with all their heart and soul.  The truth can be described as: there are many broad-minded friends, and there is less sorrow with magnanimity and kindness.
Song of " Praise Friends":
 First, the bumpy road in life can be overcome with confidence.
 Dare to take responsibility and help people through difficulties.
 I am proud of you, I am not bitter with you.
 Ah, this is my friend and my backbone.
 I have many friends. we hold hands.
 Second, the road of life is not fair. I am strong and I will not lose.
 Encourage not to ask, just like my brothers.
 I am proud of you, I do not cry with you.
 Ah, this is my friend and my good book.
 I have many friends, just like my flesh and blood.
 Third, the road to a smooth life should be even more ambitious.
 Everything is done by people, just like my parents.
 Knowing it, I am grateful. I am at ease with you.
 Ah, this is my friend, like my good uncle gu.
 I have many friends, and I am happy with you.
 Many of my friends shouted, they were all Fuhe road! 
 ( This lyric is now taken as a public service song sung by everyone in MTV )
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