澳门过去!资料 第十七节 环境职业都能改 01

导读:第十七节环境职业都能改 Section Seventeen (8) Environmental Occupations can be Changed 1. 环境恶劣搬迁快 环境严重污染或是地域性的人一时又不能为者,可想法先搬走,时代不同了在哪都可活下来...


第十七节 环境职业都能改

Section Seventeen (8) Environmental Occupations can be Changed

1. Harsh environment and quick relocation
 People who are seriously polluted or regionally unable to do anything at the moment can think of moving out first, and they can live wherever the times are different.  The three relocations of Meng Mu also cultivated Mencius, one of the greatest saints in history.  Although this is a negative attitude, we should save our lives first.  On the positive side, everyone loves the environment and thinks much about governance methods.  Belpaume, head of the French cancer research program, said: " 80 % to 90 % of cancers are caused by environmental pollution.  " over the past 20 years, environmental pollution has increased cancer patients in France by 35 %.
 Experts pointed out that water, air quality degradation, soil contamination, noise, food contamination, chemical or radioactive hazards can be observed in workplaces, indoors, schools or hospitals.  As for the study of the cause of cancer, people focus more on genetics.  In fact, the environment is more important than genes for the occurrence of cancer.  Most cancers are determined by lifestyle rather than genetic factors, so most cancers are likely to be suppressed.  Experts pointed out that the risk factor of cancer caused by genetic factors is between 21 % and 42 %, with an average of 30 %. other risk factors should be attributed to " environmental" factors.
Environmental pollution has led to an increase in cancer incidence in our country.  According to a report in the British " guardian" on may 22, 2007, 12 % of all cancer cases in China occurred in Jiangsu province. 93 carcinogens were found in a river in the province alone.  Investigations by Chinese scholars show that there is a link between being born near a polluting factory and the death of minors from leukemia or cancer.  Childhood cancer is mainly related to volatile oil-derived organisms, smoke and gas from industrial boilers, and exhaust gases from engines.  Those children born within 5km of oil refineries, factories that consume oil and volatile petroleum-derived organisms ( including solvents, paints, plastics and varnishes ) are among those most at risk of cancer.  Children born in the vicinity of automobile factories, ironmaking factories, cement factories, brick factories and crematoria have an increased incidence of malignant tumors and leukemia, while children living in the vicinity of expressways, railway stations, ports and large airports have the same situation.  Environmental pollution has also led to an increase in the incidence of breast cancer, gastric cancer, brain cancer and many other cancers.  Therefore, environmental pollution has become one of the most important causes of cancer.
2. Tail gas is easy to cause breast cancer
 People know that people living near expressways and major roads have an increased risk of cancer.  Scientists at buffalo state university in the United States found in a study that for women who do not smoke for life, exposure to carcinogenic substances from motor vehicle exhaust at specific points in their lives may increase the risk of breast cancer.  The survey found that the more frequently women are exposed to the potentially carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in motor vehicle emissions before and after their first menstruation, the greater the risk of breast cancer before menopause.  However, the increased risk of postmenopausal women is associated with excessive exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during the first growth period.  There is more and more evidence that women are exposed to potential carcinogens at some time in their lives, which may be the trigger for breast cancer in the future.  The research results prove that women's early exposure to carcinogens is the culprit of breast cancer in the future.  Although lifelong nonsmokers may increase their risk of cancer by exposure to motor vehicle exhaust emissions during the menarche and the first growth period, exposure at other times is not associated with breast cancer.  The results of this study also reflect the complexity of the causes of breast cancer in women.
3. lack of light
 People know that excessive sunlight or ultraviolet radiation is easy to get skin cancer.  So is it easy to develop cancer without sunshine?  Research by American scientists has found that lack of sunlight is one of the factors that increase colon cancer.  Those who often work night shifts are also more likely to suffer from the disease.  Scientists from Harvard medical school and Boston's Brigham gynecologic hospital said the lack of sunlight would increase women's risk of breast cancer.  For these women who often work night shifts, the normal secretion of melatonin is likely to be disturbed, which will increase the secretion of other hormones, especially estrogen, and these factors are related to the cancer of women.  People are exposed to sunlight during the day and produce melatonin at night.  On the contrary, artificial light can inhibit the production of melatonin.  The results of the study confirm that the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer among women who work at least three night shifts per month has increased by 35 % in 15 years. it can be seen that lack of sunshine is also a carcinogen.
4. Occupational carcinogenesis should be removed immediately
 The world health organization has statistics that at least 200,000 people worldwide die of environmental-related occupational cancer every year, and millions of people face the risk of cancer by inhaling asbestos fibers or smoke.  The world health organization pointed out that the cancers related to the working environment mainly include lung cancer, skin cancer, cystic cancer and blood cancer.  Among the deaths caused by lung cancer, 10 % were triggered by the working environment.  The " cancer" that threatens the health of our people mainly include lung cancer caused by coke oven emissions, lung cancer caused by chloromethyl ether, lung cancer caused by asbestos, lung cancer caused by women's exposure to x - ray ( x - ray, radioisotope, etc. ) bacteria, virus inorganic arsenic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, metal aerosols, suspended particles, coal dust, smoke, lung cancer and skin cancer caused by car drivers, lung cancer and skin cancer caused by inorganic arsenic, lung cancer caused by chromate, liver angiosarcoma caused by vinyl chloride, etc  Among the " occupational" cancers in our country, the most common is lung cancer. among those exposed to various chemical carcinogens, the number of lung cancer patients is the largest, accounting for about 85 %.  This shows that in the working environment of workers, the atmospheric environment is most likely to be polluted, so it is also a site prone to cancer.
Enterprises with serious carcinogenesis can declare the government to dismantle or change the original production species and conditions.  For people who need to work in this profession, they must be careful and guard against it. they must try their best to improve their factors and conditions. those who have chronic diseases that are potentially dangerous to their constitution or those who are susceptible to allergies must immediately change jobs or leave. only when people are older than they are, can they be counted as having value and meaning when they are alive. there are many values and meanings, and they are no longer redundant.  I only hope that I can think more about it and don't covet a little subsidy money and cause irreparable regret and loss.
5. Flower and fruit plants are also damaged
 Carcinogens can directly induce cell carcinogenesis, while carcinogens themselves do not directly lead to cell carcinogenesis, but can promote carcinogens or oncogenic viruses to induce cell carcinogenesis.  However, cell carcinogenesis has its very complicated reasons. if there is not a substance that promotes cancer, it will definitely " cause cancer."  There are many factors that may induce cancer, and the cancer-promoting plants are only limited to a small part of the environmental factors.  According to reports, 52 kinds of plants contain cancer-promoting substances. they are: 5 kinds of plants mainly used for ornamental purposes, such as deciduous trees, fine-leaved deciduous trees, bee-waist banyan, Kirin crowns, mountain snow cover, etc.  There are 7 kinds of plants that are both medicinal and ornamental, including phoenix fairy, red sage, relay, begonia, osmanthus fragrans, forsythia, belamcanda chinensis, etc.  Other plants include Dryopteris crassipes, clematis Huanghua, fel bovis seu bubali, semen trichosanthis Hainan, achyranthis radix, lignum aquilariae resinatum, Flos genkwa, radix inulae, radix euphorbiae fischerianae, Flos genkwa, radix wikshood, Flos genkwa, fructus actinidiae latifoliae, fructus castaneae, fructus crotonis, fructus crotonis, cat's eye grass, Euphorbia helioscopia, radix kansui, thousand herbs, chicken tail wood, fissured jatropha, red finch coral, sapium sebiferum, sapium sebiferum, sapium rotundifolia, tung, wood oil, bitter kernel apricot, lignum sappan, Herba lysimachiae christinae, radix Angelicae pubescentis, and radix euphorbiae.  Since most of the patients in the hospital have a general decline in immunity, these cancer-promoting plants may have adverse effects on the patients.  Therefore, the hospital should promptly remove these factors that promote cancer.
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