澳门大型免费六台彩图库 第十八节 全面预防别留角 01

导读:第十八节全面预防别留角 Section Eighteen Comprehensive Prevention in leaving no corner 1. 大小三阳癌信号 在我国,肝病患者约1.5亿人,如加上肝炎病毒携带者就可能会达到近3亿人甚至更多。每年死...


第十八节 全面预防别留角

Section Eighteen  Comprehensive Prevention in leaving no corner 
1. Large and Small three-positive Cancer Signals
 In our country, about 150 million people suffer from liver diseases. if hepatitis virus carriers are added, nearly 300 million people or more may be infected.  Five million people die of liver disease every year, with an average of one patient dying of liver disease every six seconds.  More than 10 million people die of liver cancer every year in the world, and 9 million new people die of liver cancer every year.  The author visited 302 liver disease specialist hospital of the Chinese people's liberation army, youan hospital of capital medical university and other liver disease clinic experts and agreed that about 80 % of the population with liver cancer had a history of hepatitis b, and the exact data reported accounted for more than 75 %.  At the same time, when many people pay attention to prevention and check-up on time in clinical practice, the patients answered almost the same, " I'm fine, it's Xiao San yang, I can eat and drink, and the treatment is not good either. some people have been well for 20 to 30 years in da San yang.  "
Statistics by researchers show that the number of " small three yang" carcinogens is much larger than that of " big three yang". among some primary liver cancer diagnosed by the association of hepatobiliary diseases of Guangdong province, about 60 % are " small three yang" and 11.3 % are " big three yang".
 Here, it is suggested that those who suffer from hepatitis b " small three yang" often check their liver function, and those who are abnormal are not safe and sound.  On the contrary, " big three yang" patients with normal liver function, because of its virus and immune cells formed a " alliance friendly", but " peaceful".  Therefore, it is necessary to remind hepatitis b patients with " Xiao San yang" to quit smoking and drink, ban staying up late, adjust their mood, and actively choose effective therapeutic drugs and drug routes, because it is more likely to cause cancer than " da San yang".
2.  Long-term itchy scar
 When it comes to scar cancer, many readers and doctors will find its name unfamiliar.  In fact, the incidence of cancer has also accounted for a certain number in recent years.  Its early stage of onset is often covered by other symptoms.  For example, long-term local itching is mistaken for allergy. of course, allergic constitution is also easy to cause cancer.  The manifestation is a long-term local ulcer. with the increase of peripheral vascular diseases, the incidence of scar may increase.
Moreover, when it comes to scars, people first think about the remnants of skin after burns, but it is likely to become cancerous, such as contracture scars or chronic ulcers for a long time.  If this symptom occurs, it is also a radioactive burn. in the middle-aged and elderly people, attention should be paid to the fact that it will become cancerous in about one year.  Some burns are deep in degree and heal very well. it usually takes 30 to 40 years before they become cancerous.  It is often found in the head, face, arm, upper limb, trunk and lower limb, and the most obvious is the ankle area.  Because the blood circulation here is poor and the activity is large.  If there is no healing of the ulcer at the scar, the ulcer is extremely itchy, the edge of the ulcer is cauliflower - shaped, running water, bleeding, peculiar smell, the scar lump is hard, and grayish black has a pigmentation - like change, which can basically be defined as scar cancer.  Remind me that although there are fewer burn patients in the scientific industry of industrial, agricultural and chemical students now, there are many people who suffer from thrombotic phlebitis of lower limbs, discoloration and itching of long-term scar projections of caesarean sections, bad jaundice of lower limbs of diabetes, bed rest of cerebrovascular sequelae and other local itching of unknown causes, so as to prevent their degeneration from being broken.
3. Prevention of cancer should not be misled
 The results of a worldwide survey released by union for international cancer control show that people have many misconceptions about cancer.
( 1 ) Alcohol is closely related to cancer: 59 % of people in high-income countries believe that insufficient intake of vegetables and fruits is more dangerous than excessive drinking.  In fact, the protective effect of vegetables and fruits is not as great as that of alcohol.
( 2 ) Pressure and pollution are harmful: 57 % of people in high-income countries believe that strong mental pressure is a risk factor for cancer.  But in fact, there is no evidence that stress is a risk factor for cancer.  Compared with excessive drinking, air pollution is also only a weak risk factor for cancer.
( 3 ) Cancer is an incurable disease: in low-income countries, 48 % of people think that there is no cure for cancer. in our country, many people turn pale when talking about cancer, and getting cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death.  In middle-income countries, 39 % of people hold this view, while in high-income countries they participate in cancer screening, which is unfavorable to early detection and treatment of cancer.
( 4 ) Cancer treatment is a matter for doctors: for example, people in low-income countries generally believe that patients discuss with doctors, and cancer depends entirely on doctors and obeys doctors' orders.  However, people from high-income countries and high-level cultures discuss with doctors the best treatment plan.  The mistake is to ignore the harm of behavioral factors ( such as excessive drinking and obesity ) and exaggerate the carcinogenic effects of environmental factors ( such as pressure and air pollution ).  Many people underestimate and eliminate the above misunderstanding, actively prevent and treat cancer, and actively cooperate with the screening and treatment of cancer in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality of cancer.
4. The upper jaw on the top of the tongue can prevent cancer
 The upper jaw on the top of the tongue can gradually increase the number of secretory glands. this is a natural anti-cancer disinfectant. even the strongest carcinogen aflatoxin and saliva can be completely suppressed after 30 seconds.
 When I was a child, my family was very poor. every winter night, I went to the big straw house full of straw in the production team for a moderate night. it was fodder for cattle. nobody mentioned the word " sanitation".  I often have boils and boils on my body and have no money to cure it. my mother smeared me with saliva and taught me to say, " my child, if you wake up from the pain at night, you will use your tongue to resist the upper jaw. when there is saliva in your mouth, you will continuously smear it on the sores. this is what your grandfather told me and it is very efficacious.  Otherwise, if you are absent from class and do not go to work, your mother will not let you go to school.  " the author writes that tears have flooded here, and his father was starved to death before he could remember.  I was hungry " dead" in the past, and my mother pulled me out of the pit where I was about to be buried. it was the saliva that opened my eyes and survived.  It was not until the university learned the anatomy and physiology of the human body that it suddenly understood the importance of the saliva of the human body.  It seems that people have already used it for disease prevention and health care.
Therefore, when every qigong teacher teaches people how to practise, it is really reasonable to let people have their tongues on top of their jaws first.  In particular, some Taoists and lay people enter the mountain " bi gu" and some of them can not eat or drink for 1 to 2 weeks. they can also be refreshed without any external source of nutrition. the secret is that the upper jaw of the tongue produces various biological substances and multi-element nutrients.  If you don't let his tongue on the top of his jaw, I'm afraid he will " go out of the mountain" in three days, otherwise he will surely starve to death.
 Learn to use the magic weapon that heaven has given us to overcome any miraculous cure, and cultivate the upper jaw on the top of the tongue as long as the mouth is idle except for talking, eating, drinking water, singing or sleeping. do not spit freely as much saliva secreted by the mouth at this time. it not only has the functions of treating diseases and preventing cancer, but also preventing xerostomia, inflammation of the mouth and gums, promoting muscles, eyes, joints and other tissues, but also has various functions of promoting development and hormones.  At this time, I think of the ancient people's profound philosophy that " water in ponds must prevent drought, and fields must be ploughed deep enough to support their families", which also shows that people should carefully warn about the details of doing things.
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