澳门码2022年免费资料网站 第十八节 全面预防别留角 02

导读:5. 癌愈可否婚生宝 癌症治愈后还能结婚生小孩吗?这是一位大龄姑娘的妈妈问起一个令人思考的问题。什么癌症治愈?年龄多大?早期直肠癌手术5年了,多次复查一切正常。刚过35岁,...

澳门码2022年免费资料网站 5.癌愈可否婚生宝
5. The more cancer can give birth to wealth in marriage
 Can you get married and have children after cancer is cured?  This is a thought-provoking question asked by the mother of an older girl.  What cancer is cured?  How old is it?  " it has been 5 years since the operation of early rectal cancer, and everything is normal after repeated reviews.  Just after the age of 35, I wanted her to marry and have a child. do you want to know if there is any unexpected risk?  "
 She said there is no question about the surgical treatment of early rectal cancer.  As for the issue of whether or not one can marry and have children, I hold the view that marriage is beneficial and having children is harmful. I should be cautious in order to prevent " aftershocks" from hurting people. if the patient really wishes to have children, it is suggested that in vitro pregnancy is appropriate, and more attention should be paid to the prevention of daily contraception and the details of life.
6. You should know about the ban on cancer supplements
 Many cancer patients and their families believe that cancer cells consume too much nutrition in the human body, resulting in extremely weak body. especially in the late stage or during the operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy periods, it is more appropriate to give patients more high calcium milk to supplement calcium. if it is done, it is wrong.  The reason is that cancer patients are often accompanied by hypercalcemia. in essence, patients with hypercalcemia have the highest incidence of cancer. most of the cancer patients are solid tumors, and the blood calcium level of patients in the late stage has doubled.  In particular, the incidence of hypercalcemia in t cell leukemia, a blood cancer, can reach about 80 %.  Too much calcium in blood can excite muscles, reduce appetite, vomit, inhibit nerves and memory disorders. severe cases can cause lethargy and coma at any time. if too much calcium is ingested, death may be accelerated.  Therefore, all cancer patients should not use medicines with calcium, including calcium gluconate, active calcium, carbon, calcium lactate, a few pieces of calcium in a piece, nor should they eat shrimp skin, bone soup, seafood, loach, hair vegetables mostly containing calcium and other foods.
Many cancer patients suffer from anemia. give some food with iron.  If you have this idea, it is a big mistake.  The reason is that when cancer cells grow and reproduce, they need a large amount of iron as raw materials. if they are given iron supplements, they will just increase a large amount of nutrients for cancer cells, which will promote the tumor to develop faster and have a higher risk.  Patients do not eat foods with high iron content such as liver, eggs and animal blood.  Furthermore, medicines with acid characters, such as sulfuric acid, ferrous carbonate, ferric fumarate and ferrous citrate, cannot be taken orally.
 Knowing this is really terrible. seeing that the patient is so weak, we don't know what to do or what to make up for.  Just buy some or draw some blood from your family to make up for it.  It is especially wrong to have this awareness. compassion and care for loved ones are good virtues of good heart and good taste, but patients are not suitable for blood transfusion. the reason is: referring to a cancer research expert in the United States, his research found that blood transfusion of cancer patients can stimulate cancer cell proliferation, accelerate cancer recurrence and deterioration, make it die faster, and increase the death rate by 3 - 5 times faster than that of patients without blood transfusion.  Because blood transfusion weakens the body's own immune system.  Therefore, cancer cells will grow faster.  The clinical statistics of tumor experts in the United States and Britain have proved it. the conclusion is that whether it is to change all the blood of cancer patients into blood of healthy blood type, or to transfuse a large number of blood of healthy people several times, it cannot fundamentally treat or improve their condition and prolong their survival time. On the contrary, the most unfavorable treatment for patients is because the bone marrow hematopoietic system is seriously disturbed by external blood supply, which will appear to inhibit the original functions of various organs of the original hematopoietic system, but early
Some people will definitely ask, this is wrong, that is not good, must give a move, what do we give others to eat?
 The author here gives you a suggestion for reference. all meat, eggs, sugar and salt foods should be avoided as far as possible. they may be the most suspected of causing your illness.  From the beginning, you can squeeze juice from apples, grapes, and kiwi fruit every day at a ratio of 4: 1: 1. you should take it slowly at about 1kg a day and warm it several times.  More vegetables can be used for meals, and appropriate yam and potato juice can be added.  But it must not be boiled for a long time, and it must be light salt before it is conducive to recovery of health.
 Because fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and soft potassium ions necessary for life, especially potassium ions, it is very difficult to supplement them into the body.  It can activate the enzyme source of gland system tissues in the body, rapidly start or improve the function of the immune system, and increase the disease resistance.  If we can all do it in this way, it will add a great amount of positive energy to diet and health preservation. the key is to be able to stick to it.  Who can change the usual excessive intake of meat, eggs, sugar, wine, salt, etc. food with high acid toxicity may be less sick or not.  If you don't believe it, you can visit whose juicer can keep making noise twice a day. this family's body must be very healthy.
Through such an analysis of a small amount of common sense, it will make people very surprised. it can make people fully understand the world of scientific knowledge, the importance of knowledge and methods.  Although a person cannot be all - encompassing, only when he reads extensively and saves more knowledge and energy can he better deal with the challenges to human health such as future scientific development and environmental changes.
7. Cancer is much better known
 Cells are the most primitive and important tissues and organs that make up organisms and plants.  There are countless normal cancer cells in everyone's body, and there are still many, but no more than 1 billion can be found.  In treating cancer, the doctor said to the patient, " you have no cancer cells now.  " this means that the number of cancer cells cannot reach the level shown.
 The most obvious manifestation of a person suffering from cancer is his malnutrition. he may be caused by multiple causes, including congenital, environmental, food, lifestyle, immunity, etc.  When the immune system is strong, it can resist or kill cancer cells, making it unable to proliferate and multiply into tumors.  The study found that inhibiting cancer cells requires some nutritional requirements:
( 1 )Sugar is the favorite nutrient for cancer cells. in order to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, honey antioxidants can be selected to replace sugar foods for those who like snacks.
 ( 2 ) Vegetables and fruits, plant seeds, whole grains, hard fruits and the like create alkaline environments in human bodies, and eating more properly can help prevent cancer.
 ( 3 ) Chocolate and coffee should not be eaten or drunk as much as possible, and green tea is the best drink at ordinary times.
 ( 4 ) Eat less meat, because it contains high protein and is not easy to digest, it will corrupt and produce more toxins in the intestines.
 ( 5 ) Doing more aerobic exercise and breathing more oxygen can prevent cells from accumulating and mutating due to hypoxia, resulting in cancer cell proliferation.  It is usually not possible to heat food in microwave ovens with non-designated plastic products. if this is not the case, it is very dangerous to cause cancer directly.
 ( 6 ) Cancer is a catastrophic disease of the body and mind. it must be treated openly. you should not be angry, pessimistic, impatient, bitter, or forgive others for adding acidity to the body pressure to help cancer cells proliferate.  Talk to cancerous organs, be grateful for what it has done to you, forgive its mistakes ( this is another psychotherapy ), turn your heart to sunshine, have love, and relax your mind and body are good for preventing and treating cancer.
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