澳门七彩坊海鲜大排档 第十九节 女病防治好法疗 02


澳门七彩坊海鲜大排档 有许多女性朋友在使用此新型生物凝胶后,认为它不仅对防病治病安全快捷,特别是对激活与延缓卵巢的衰退,体现在停经后又会复来。能快速改善“性冷淡”的同时,又能淡化颜面斑痘皱褶,润泽气色,真是让人神清气爽,活力充沛。发达的美国还真有医学专家把它称之为一防二治的“疫苗”,有女性朋友还高度赞杨它是真正的“为姐”科学诞生了。
After using this new type of biological gel, many female friends believe that it is not only safe and fast to prevent and treat diseases, especially to activate and delay the decline of ovaries, but also to return after menopause.  It can quickly improve the " frigidity" and at the same time reduce the wrinkle of facial spots and acne and moisten the complexion. it is really refreshing and energetic.  In developed America, some medical experts call it a " vaccine" for both prevention and treatment. some female friends also highly praise yang for being a real " elder sister" science.
 The new gel has been tested many times by animal experiment standards of domestic and foreign medical authorities. the results also confirm that the new gel is non-toxic to animals and has no skin irritation or allergic reaction.  Only poisoning cancer cells does not hurt normal cells;  None of the 270 commonly used western medicines was detected.  The detection of heavy metals did not exceed the standard.  This is the crystallization of high-tech methods and the legal basis of science ( all originals can be verified ).  In practical application, it is also observed that it can sweep away germs faster, reduce swelling and disperse nodules, increase the oxygen supply of cells, activate glands, unobstructed lymphatic system, and regulate nerve tissue.
Due to the strong antibacterial and antiviral effects of the newly-born biological gel and the good effects of detumescence and dispersing stagnation, thousands of different gynecological diseases in clinic were summarized: 4 to 8 grams of new biological gel were pushed into various vaginitis and uterine erosion every night, which can be healed or obviously relieved in 1 to 2 weeks.  For severe uterine erosion, multiple uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, dysmenorrheal due to muscular gland disease, ovarian cyst, etc., or facial filth caused by gynecological diseases, 8 - 12g per day, usually more than 2 - 4 weeks have cured or reduced to varying degrees;  It can quickly relieve pain on different types of cancer such as serious cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. and can make cancer from large to small, heavy to light;  Control transfer - indicator drop.  However, depending on the severity of the tumor, the dosage and method of administration are also different.  External application and hot compress, vaginal and anal injection or combined catheter introduction method for simultaneous use, etc.  The birth of this hi-tech method and new technology is undoubtedly the greatest gift to mothers all over the world.
At this time, some people must be surprised that it is impossible to believe it or not.  Supposedly, this popular science article can only have one positive point of view, and cannot swing back and forth like a pendulum clock.  However, when many new ideas and new things were not popularized, books and the internet could not find such a simple method at the moment and could solve such complicated problems.  Even if people know it, most of them do not take it seriously.  Even more, many people do not believe at all, or hold opposing views. some people may even hold high their sleeves and say something wrong. they may even want to take the stage to control their fists. at this moment, they can only say one thing. only if they do not believe it can they be solved.
The reason why the letter is right is that science has developed so fast that it has reached an era when it can be done only if it is thought out.  The new subject theory of " Water Medicine" holds that all diseases existing in human beings are directly or indirectly related to the disorder of water fluid metabolism and circulation system.  Because of the aquatic mucous membrane, the mucous membrane gives birth to blood.  Germs are aquatic and toxins are nourished by water.  To treat water and root is to treat blood.  The tumor is swollen with water, and the " three highs" are rising.  Water supplies disperse and knot, cure diseases and cure water.  Blood belongs to water, which is nourished by blood.  Water and blood are not disorderly; water and blood flow smoothly.  The viewpoint that the mucous membrane carries medicines everywhere and the water system is free from disorder and disease.
No matter how complicated the gynecological disease is, there is nothing more than bacteria or aseptic inflammation, or virus, or a mixture of bacteria and water to pack dry lumps, which will form other types of hard lumps such as inflammatory pain - effusion - cyst - myoma - cancer.  When the local nerve is squeezed by its inflammatory stimulus or local mass, pain will appear around the lesion or radiated to other parts, which may be the root cause of water system failure.
Since the environment and food are polluted too quickly by human beings, we can infer and predict that no matter now or in the future, viral diseases may be the most harmful to human health, even if they kill people.  For example, many infectious diseases, cervical erosion, leukoplakia vulvae, condyloma acuminatum, syphilis, prostate diseases caused by mycoplasma heteroplasmic cells, herpes zoster, severe allergies, tetanus, postpartum fever, rabies, cancer, etc.  There are also people who attribute many intractable diseases, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, liver, kidney disease, uremia, lower limb ulcer, etc. that cannot be cured for a long time, or some sudden death of unknown causes, to viral causes.
When it comes to viral diseases, the reason why it is difficult to cure is that the virus cells are very small, as small as tens of billions of virus particles on the tip of a needle, and that they have tough outer cell membranes as armor, which can be said to be " invulnerable" to all medicines.  But also extremely fast replication, long potential time, rapid spread, great harm, extremely destructive and extremely high probability of causing death.  The virus will skillfully use normal cells to change wrinkles during oxygen exchange, and the virus particles will quickly drill into the cells as hosts without themselves.  By means of its nutrients, paired copies are made at an extremely fast speed. when the original host cells are drained of nutrients, the virus cell particles that have been copied out are already in large groups.  Such repeated and terrible cycles can cause disease changes or rapid evil changes.  If you can't find a way to cure and defend them and want to treat viral diseases, it is a fable.
 However, the virus also has its weaknesses. it cannot synthesize its own enzyme source system and protein, and it cannot reproduce and continue in the family style.  It can only use water as a medium to move in secret. it is very afraid of heat. ordinary viruses can start to die after 45 degrees, and only certain kinds of viruses will die at 100 degrees.  Treating a disease is like fighting a war. it is the same logic to find each other's weaknesses, to have sufficient and effective methods, to target and effectively defeat the key parts of its head in order to win.
There are more female diseases than viral diseases. in order to effectively prevent and treat them, drugs with biological functions must be possible.  We might as well look back at the history of medical treatment. almost all of the viral diseases are solved by biological medicines.  Such as smallpox, polio, etc.  It can be said that any drug with vaccine properties can be said to be a biological drug.  " waterway medicine" adopts the method of reverse thinking from theory to research and development of medicines, and uses logical dialectics to follow the natural law:" when people are more water and less blood, the disease should be treated first and more incurable, and more treatment can lead to less.  It is easy to treat water but difficult to treat blood. it is easy to treat first and then difficult to treat.  The water system is not blocked and the blood items are difficult to be disorderly. the waterways are unblocked and the blood diseases are self - decreasing. "  The treatment shall be by external use.  All medicines adopt modern biopharmaceutical programmed processes.  The results all require simplicity, speed, efficiency and safety as their goals.
The biggest highlight of " Water Medicine" is that keeping the biological strains in refrigerator can also achieve the goal of preventing and treating diseases with vaccines.  Let it pass through the ubiquitous mucosal system of the human body to form networked and infiltrating substances loaded with medicines to be accessible and absorbed everywhere.  Moreover, all medicines with biological strains have the biological chains and transmission ways that inhibit bacteria from recognizing viruses and can cut off the growth and reproduction of bacteria.  In addition, the effective ingredients of the medicine " draining water and dispersing stagnation" are activated or doubled again to enlarge the most effective ingredients of the medicine by means of nourishment from vaginal or anal mucosa tissues. this is also the universal key to the treatment password and access of the newly-born discipline.  It is also a good way to offer to mothers all over the world that they will no longer suffer from gynecological serious illness.  It is very difficult to get rid of the links between scientific theory and biopharmaceuticals and to cure complicated and changeable gynecological diseases or serious diseases with virus.
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