管家婆澳门资料24码 第十九节 女病防治好法疗 03


管家婆澳门资料24码 “方法”二字一词,仅十二笔画好写,可它有影无形,好意会创优难。可从日常生活到各个行业措施的实施,大到治理国家都需要好的方法才可发展腾达。比如治疗中风偏瘫后遗症,按教科书康复调理,有的常年累月扎针喝药,多种“再造丸”“偏瘫复原丸”等活血化瘀溶栓类药用尽都是收效甚微。有时还不如在口内找准一条静脉血管,给放出一部分血的民间疗法好得快呢。有的是当天见效,当周如常人。
The word " method" can only be written in 12 strokes, but it is invisible and it is difficult to create Excellence with good intentions.  From daily life to the implementation of various industrial measures, it takes good methods to govern the country before it can develop to leaps and bounds.  For example, for the treatment of apoplectic hemiplegia sequelae, the rehabilitation and conditioning according to textbooks, some years of acupuncture and drinking medicine, a variety of " zaizao pills" and " hemiplegic rehabilitation pills" and other medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and thrombolysis have achieved little effect.  Sometimes it is better to find a vein in the mouth and give folk therapy that releases part of the blood faster.  There are plenty of results on the same day, and when weeks are like ordinary people.
 It is worth mentioning in particular that at present there are many people with insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain and who need to build a scaffold to bridge the heart. according to the " exhaust and drainage method" introduced in the " external medical waterway science", as long as the removal points of the " exhaust and drainage method" are found in the head and neck, shoulder circumference, precordial region, upper back and the like, only one long tube and cannula needle is used to release the focused lactic acid toxin in the muscles, and the junction with the aggregation point where turbid gas is disseminated, the majority of the people will receive immediate relief treatment, and then give medicine to the mucous membrane with five ways of access ( water, gas, blood, lymphatic glands, nerve ) biology, mostly.  This natural treatment is the same as intestinal peristalsis requiring exhaust gas to relieve abdominal distension and pain.  Therefore, the use of this method is like placing a telegraph pole. first, it needs to unlock several cables around the telegraph pole. this is also like opening and closing the switch of its assembly in the vicinity of the heart and brain.
It is said here that medical experts will not believe it, because textbooks do not write about such similar projects.  I am very confident that the trick is in the folk and the good method is in practice.  If you have not seen or heard of anything, you do not have to wait until you have seen or heard of a method or thing. it does not belong to the patent project that you own.  Carving boats and Seeking swords" can never create new, good and excellent methods, which is the law of natural logic conclusion.  The so-called rule is that things are not right for anyone, and people can only abide by them.  This shows that the method is created and summed up in practice. only the result is qualified to judge its advantages and disadvantages.
Tell me whether you believe it or not that you can see, reason can be found, and dialectical and reasonable subject-oriented tour guide words in such a passage.  However, it should be believed that scientists are always pursuing a truth and scientific formula: result = thinking science + advanced method.
  Whether the above mentioned is right or wrong can only be known through the practice of the method.  The unscientific nature of methods is not only empty talk of words, but also depends on whether it can conform to the effect of simple methods and can effectively solve or improve productivity.  The application of this method to the prevention and treatment of diseases should also reflect whether it is safe and fast for human beings and exists in a healthy and healthy way.
 From the title to the content, there are many references to the word " method" and there is nothing wrong with it. this method can only be judged by right or wrong. is there any other connotation?  The author is really aware of it. I do not know if you put it here, do you think it is burdensome?  If there is one, it is only the view of the plane. it is inferior and ethereal, the mountains and rivers are not blocked, the cloud and mist pass by, and it should not be abandoned and thanked.
Although the method is the soul that guides people to do anything, the birth of every good method and achievement should first have hypothetical imagination or theoretical exploration. after repeated practice and verification, it can determine the reason and tool for its success and then come back to sum up its theoretical reasoning. for example, it can be understood theoretically, the method is advanced, and the logic and science are established. this is the advanced method and the science that its energy embodies the result.  Hard work also requires reliable methods. on the other hand, methods are more important than hard work, and the results can only be achieved by methods.
Unlike building high-rise buildings to build railways, curing diseases requires a large number of people and material engineering teams.  Its core orientation is clear direction and advantages and disadvantages of methods.  A good method can replace tens of thousands of troops and horses, can change a subject, and can flourish a nation and a country.  It can be said that the method is the foundation, and the method is like masterbatch.  Methods are like tools. methods are created by people.  Developed methods are better than backward methods.  Flexible method is skillful, conservative method is lost.  Work by methods, methods produce results.  Methods are good or bad, and results are good or evil.  Methods create methods, methods create procedures.  Things follow methods, things are done by methods.  Methods to set rules, methods to write laws.  Method is like soul, method is direction.  Direction setting method, method setting the world.  The truth is:
The method is like the cool wind, which blows away the mist from the bottom of my heart.
 Methods like spring rain, everything grows and thrives.
 The method is similar to thundering thunder, which makes people understand and surprise.
 The method is like electricity at night, and the bright argument is the clearest.
 Methods: the same song was used. the words wanted to stay and read the music.
 The method is like a poem. ping ping's learning is accomplished.
 The method is like a scalpel, cutting nerves by mistake and sitting in a wheelchair.
 The method is like lovers' language, encouraging giving strength to make interest.
 Methods like old people's words, experience, understanding and new enlightenment.
 The method is wisdom bag. science relies on it to create miracles.
 Methods are like water for all things, and methods are tens of thousands.
 The method is like heaven and earth, all things have nothing to do but abandon.
 The method is ingenious and natural, and the result depends on the clue.
 The method does not distinguish between large and small, and the application must conform to logic.
 The energy of the method is positive and negative, and the merits and demerits of the method depend on the results.
 The law is only serious and false, and the method is right and wrong.
 Good virtue and great talent bring forth wonderful methods, and be magnanimous and gracious.
 The method is the golden key. ten thousand doors are well-connected and rich.
 Only good can cure all kinds of diseases, and people who are healthy and disease - free are happy.
 Good law governs the country and the country, and the country and the country are rich.
 The implementation of goals and directions depends on methods. it seems that methods, that is, science, do not spare people at all and need not be questioned.
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