澳门极限四码 第二十节 心态不病成功早 01

导读:第二十节 心态不病成功早 心态+运气疾病=成功 Section Twenty M indset is not I ll , Success is Early ---- Mindset+ Luck --disease = Success 当人看到这个题目时,一定会有许多人联想到,这不是1+1-1=...


第二十节  心态不病成功早

Section Twenty   Mindset is not Ill, Success is Early
---- Mindset + Luck -- disease = Success
When people see this topic, many people will think that this is not 1 + 1 - 1 = 1. will kindergarten children work out the first and simple math problem?  How can the things that children can do here be added to the articles on prevention and treatment of diseases and success?  Most people have read books similar to " success stories", but there are still fewer winners.  Isn't it a blind delay in writing such articles?  Nowadays, people are living at a tight pace and fewer people are reading books.  If the person who wrote this article has not succeeded in convincing others, then he or she should watch more TV and play cards. if he or she is half a hundred years old, he or she should be convinced.
 However, it is such a simple math problem that children cannot be simplified any more. look at the vast crowd of people with so many intelligent and capable people. how many of them have correctly answered this problem and done it well?  One can work hard without success, but it is also permissible to write an article to stretch one's own views from time to time.
Some people say that those who can become senior officials are successful.  This is not fighting. think carefully about it. some executed high-ranking officials and well-known officials and sinners in history all have their living names marked with red crosses by historical markers. I want to ask myself, which is this success?
  Others said: having a career and having money is success.  This is not a debate either. people can still hear people talking about entrepreneur Wang Junyao. he has nearly 1 billion more assets than his age at 36, but he is dead tired at his desk.  Steve jobs, the former boss of the world-renowned apple company, has hundreds of billions of dollars. as a result, he became ill with work and died of pancreatic cancer in his 40s. they did not answer the question correctly either.
 Others say that being an emperor is the greatest success.  Think again, in the long river of history, the emperor has indeed called the world to order, calling wind and rain, and holding hands to do whatever is right or wrong.  However, there are really many bad kings. I love myself, turn things upside down, spend days and nights in wine, and have no intention of going to court. this has led to the destruction of the country and the loss of the country.  Or they died young because of their mentality and illness.  This can be said to be that if they do not reduce their number by one, their number cannot be equal to one. this is another big mistake.
  Three factors account for the majority of deaths: more deaths due to illness, fewer deaths due to natural and man-made disasters, and fewer old deaths due to lack of external causes.  Well, in ancient and modern China and foreign countries, who did well in answering this little math problem?
Is it Zhuge Liang, sun yat - sen, Marx, madame Curie, Lincoln?  None of them is right.  He ( she ) did 1 + 1 but neglected the existence of health, safety and disease. he ( she ) did not pay attention to the one that should be lost at all times and let it exist. this one with huge negative energy gave him a ruthless future trouble, so he ( she ) also answered the question of deduction of points.
Since it is a so-called digital formula, that is, a number cannot be more or less, nor can it be changed. it must be a rule of 1 + 1 - 1 = 1.  Only template-based or regulatory rules can maintain a relative balance with stability.  In history, any person or thing that has unbalanced people's hearts will inevitably have the law of extremely opposing things, thus producing another kind of huge positive and negative energy.
Although all the figures mentioned above have achieved great success in their careers through the ages, their lives have not lived to the age of 130 - 150, which is physiologically normal.  Since it is a regular game, everyone should strive to follow the rules, and whoever violates it will leave many or more regrets.  He ( she ) did not decrease or increase. only by subtracting 1 from the disease and negative energy can he ( she ) ensure the safety and health of his ( her ) body so as to help him ( her ) succeed.
 So, what celebrities in history have been able to give standard answers to such a difficult question?
 That is to say, in the last years of the Shang dynasty, the founding emperor of qi, Jiang Ziya ( now in zibo area of Shandong province ).  According to historical records, he didn't start his career until he was 83 years old. He lived 140 years old and still has his memorial hall.  Then there was Sun Simiao, the god of medicine in the Tang dynasty, who had saved the suffering of the cold spirit from all kinds of diseases in his life and made a wish to cure diseases and educate people. he wrote books such as " Qianjin Jifang" and " Qianjin Yaofang", which have been circulated and followed for generations. now they are sold in major bookstores.  It is said that he died at 167 years old, and the temple of the king of medicine was built in various places to worship him. many people came here to seek the spirit of his immortal spirit and to protect the safety of his family and friends.
After uncovering the formula procedure and the example that can be emulated, let's discuss the relationship between mentality and luck.  State of mind, it can be seen as what one thinks in one's heart and what one pays for, is the combination of intangible thinking and tangible results.  It may also be an external manifestation of character, or it may contain a base material with positive and negative energy such as knowledge, health, jealousy, etc.  It has a direct and indirect relationship with what people often say is " luck".
Luck, it contains two kinds of meanings of nature's broad sense and people's referential sense: broad sense of luck refers to natural phenomena and the regular gasification movement of organisms.  Such as wind, rain, thunder, electricity, and the five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold, and water, and the laws of plant growth, growth, transformation, storage, transportation, and transformation.  The meaning of reference refers to the opportunity, timing, smoothness or financial spirit of a person, which can all be called " luck".  This can only be understood in a meaningful way. it is a matter of philosophy and litterateurs to define it accurately.  The state of mind and luck discussed here are like flesh and blood, with bones and muscles connected.  Fish live only when they have water, and cars move only when they have oil.  Psychology can not only care for luck, but also determine luck and fate.
Luck has never meant to be too poor to love wealth, but it cares for people with a peaceful mind.  In real life, this depends on friends to understand the experience.  Especially some successful people, this may also be the secret of their success. they all need a peaceful and hard-working attitude, a character that is not arrogant and impetuous, a kind character and a rich accumulation of knowledge.  Only in this way can the god of luck and success slowly descend on them.
However, people will make mistakes of human sexual weakness.  This may be a desire to get more from birth, manifested as being born with both hands tightly held.  People have given up too little, and many people know that they already suffer from some kind of disease or other character defects. however, in order to get more material and other aspects, they have neglected the prevention and treatment of diseases and personal cultivation. when the disease and other diseases develop to a serious extent, they may have caused unfavorable results to themselves, only when they think of managing it. knowing that the end point of human physiological balance cannot be reached if they cannot reduce the bad one of diseases and other diseases, but the years are merciless, and the diseases and disasters are as cruel as the autumn wind sweeps away leaves.
There is also a rule for solving mathematical problems. no matter what formula and method are applied, the answer to the result is constant.  In particular, the formula that has been formed is the principle that must be used to solve problems.  At the same time, this also shows that if people do not follow the principle to do things, the answer is likely to be incomplete or given a zero-point judgment.
 1 is like man, 1 is water, 1 is like gas, 1 is like cloud.  1 cold and hot, 1 yin and yang, 1 health, 1 heaven and earth, 1 success or failure, 1 coming and going, 1 foundation, 1 raw material.  One has positive and negative energy, one dies but not returns.  1 is the logic of reasoning and 1 is the law followed.  1 is the root of tens of thousands of souls, while everything is empty.  But it is also from small to large, which is an increase in the number of measured items.  If there is no cloud in the sky, it will not rain; if there is no one on the ground, it will dry out.  The base of this game formula is 1, but there is garbage in 1.  What should be left behind must be taken care of and defended, and what should be left behind must not be tolerated.  Some people say that the boss who will allocate money can do a big job. those who dare to give up will surely have space on the road to innovation.  This sentence is more appropriate and has new inspiration for use here. the enlightenment life game is always looking at who can play well in size 1!
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