抖音澳门关南资料 第二十节 心态不病成功早 02


抖音澳门关南资料 说道心态上的1,它对人的成功与失败很重要,对人生命与生活更为相关。比如,有许多人几乎天天看到屋檐下与隔窗玻璃外的麻雀,可谓它常伴人行,依人宿,生活的很好。一旦把它放在笼子里受人控制时,它活不到几个小时,心急而死。而性情温和的乌龟老兄,心胸开阔豁达,只要求有吃有喝不冷,在哪都一样长寿。
Speaking of mental state 1, it is very important to the success and failure of people, and it is more relevant to people's life and life.  For example, many people see sparrows under the eaves and outside the window almost every day. it can be said that it often walks with people and lives very well.  Once he was put in a cage and controlled, he lived less than a few hours and died in a hurry.  However, the gentle turtle man is open-minded and open - minded. he only needs food, drink and not cold. he lives as long as he lives anywhere.
 To tell a real tragedy, in may 2014, 48 - year - old Li mou had had a slight pain in his upper abdomen that night after meeting his friend at night and drinking a few more cold beers.  The next day he went to a third-class hospital in Beijing with his wife.  When the b - ultrasound results come out, the doctor may be anxious to leave work. he blurted out the report as " liver space occupying lesion, gallbladder enlargement, bile duct dilatation", which is a very serious liver cancer.  Li mou collapsed to the ground on the spot, and his heart was full of panic.  The next day, due to excessive mental stress and whole body spasm, the gallbladder ruptured, causing severe visceral infection. before treatment, she went away with blood spurting.  Afterwards, someone said that he was scared to death by the doctor.
The author thinks that this should be seen in two parts:
Doctors should be held accountable in this matter, because they see many cancers every day and are not unusual. they just shouldn't let patients hear what they are saying.  Even after diagnosis, the patient's psychological state and mood must be considered to prevent adverse psychological state. it can lead to negative effects and is not conducive to the treatment and rehabilitation of the disease.
  In addition, patients must usually neglect their own health discomfort.  This serious disease of liver and gallbladder will definitely be prompted by abnormal signals on weekdays.  He didn't get rid of the disease in time. the wine on the scene is a catalyst for health and negative energy. this is undoubtedly a disease caused by raising tigers.  Abandoning the healthy positive energy " luck" 1, violating the rules of the answer and breaking one's own physiological balance, this can only hand in a wrong answer.
  If you can clear up the first three 1's in the formula in your life, you will definitely have a brilliant future success 1.  This assumption of a game rule also tells us that no matter in life or career, we should make a good foundation of 1.  However, some people have confirmed that they are too slow to make a foundation and are eager to achieve success and are opportunistic. as a result, they have gone astray and are eager to make money without doing anything down - to - earth.  To believe that " money" itself is fascinating and mysterious, the more you want to catch it, the more you really can't catch it. that is, you can do everything you can to get it, and sometimes it also conforms to the three words that people often say, " life is lost."  But before it flies away, it may also bring natural and man-made disasters to itself?
Although money is a piece of paper, it is like water in rivers, lakes and seas. as long as its foundation is solid and vast, it can flow in from all directions, and it is really a " continuous flow".  This is just like the formula of the state of mind and luck before the two 1, must get rid of the disease and other adverse factors of the 1, the rest is the complete success of the 1.
By reason, the  article should end here, but this is a problem-solving article, since it is reasonable to want to get high marks when doing a topic.  This article began to resemble a mathematical problem, but it contained the foreshadowing of medicine and literature.  " if you watch more TV and play cards, you will be more than half a hundred years old," he said.  This requires looking for keys to open the library door from medicine and literature, disease prevention details, habits and people's ideas.
 When it comes to watching TV and playing cards, it should not take too long.  In particular, the middle-aged and elderly people are prone to cervical and lumbar soft tissue damage. long sitting and lying time is also harmful to health because they are prone to have " good luck" with long flesh and hair.  Besides, there are more smokers in the fun brand crowd, which is more unfavorable to the elderly who need a quiet and fresh air environment.
 Television is already an indispensable program in modern cultural life.  However, it radiates to the eyes, and now there are many eye diseases among the middle-aged and elderly people.  Because teenagers like TV programs and video games, they should pay more attention to eye protection and academic job hunting.
In particular, the phrase " half a hundred people serve their old age" may be the secret that the author deliberately set aside.  This may still be an enlightening bonus question.  It seems that both the question-takers and the answer-takers have reached the same point at the age of half a century.  To be honest, it is only after half a century that people begin to understand. some people do not understand this and feel somewhat uncomfortable.  Said that people were growing up in learning knowledge before they were 30 years old.  40 years old or so, in the course of starting a business and working, to find experience in practice by hitting a nail.  Only at the age of 50 can we sum up the roads and bridges we have walked through and how much food and salt we have eaten. it is time for the post station in life to accurately judge the right or wrong.
Young people are also like an oil-filled car. the elderly are like the driver's direction. there will be problems and obstacles in the driving car and road. only when they reach the end point can they be successful.  Let's see how it fits in with 1 in every position of this formula.  Vehicle oil ( mentality ) + driver direction ( luck ) - vehicle condition and road condition ( disease ) = end point ( success ).  Since it is a formula, it can be used everywhere as a guide. I hope more people can realize their own success.
Besides, it is said that many scientists and successful people from all walks of life did not arrive until half a century later.  Regardless of the genius of those prodigies.  But generally speaking, there are still many people who have made great achievements after middle age.  This can be described as: half a century of good time, full of vigor and vitality.  Success is more here than for others.  Details of the disease prevention, health is stronger.
 Whenever I hear or see the scene where people give up their hands, I just sigh with emotion that life is a passer-by all over the world. all my life, I have played different roles on different stage screens in acting. I have fought hard for fame and profit, and I feel sad. some are still hurting each other. in fact, it is not necessary.  What matters is human health, dignity and value.  At this time, it reminds me of the tear-jerking lyrics of " I live for value" published on the internet recently, which also inspired everyone to love their country and report their country as a summary of this article. " life is a passer - by, money.  As long as health is there, there will be everything.  If the Chinese can be rich, I will stride forward.  I should die for my country.  Everyone is for everyone, and the nation is manly.  I live for value and innovate the future. "
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