2o22年的澳门马报的资料 第五章 孔窍给药治癌快 01

导读:第五章孔窍给药治癌快 Chapter Five Administration of Drugs through Orifices to Treat Cancer Quickly 一提到癌症的治法,人们都会想到服药输液,如果不见疗效,死活那也只有手术与放化疗的路子可走了...


第五章  孔窍给药治癌快

Chapter Five Administration of Drugs through Orifices to Treat Cancer Quickly
When it comes to the treatment of cancer, people will think of taking medicine and infusion. if there is no curative effect, there is only surgery and radiotherapy to go.  However, the newly-born " waterway medicine" advocates the use of external medicine, even cancer, no matter what kind of serious illness it treats.
 Methods and tools are the prerequisites for deciding the success and failure of all things. this is an eternal truth.  At present, people are suffering from " three highs" and many major cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. cancer, AIDS, infantile cerebral palsy, leukemia, epilepsy, etc. belong to viral invasion and gene damage. the trend of development of intractable diseases is too fast, and it has reached the point where it is extremely dangerous to kill people.  What people can hear or are feeling is that after dinner they talk about the disease, that there are many cancers in daily life, that they hope that the medicine will talk about skillful methods, and that the final result of treating diseases will be told.  Between the lines of this talk, it shows how strong people's desire and pursuit for health are!
However, the medical profession has not yet had time to come up with a good cure for cancer and serious diseases, which can eliminate the fact that many diseases are plagued by panic.  From the concept of " treating water and treating diseases" to the method of " passing water and dispersing stagnation", and the products of the new biological series medicine developed, waterway medicine is guided by mucosal activity and strives to promote the two to accelerate the frequency of movement and produce resonance, so that the shock wave with huge energy occurs after its qualitative change and hits the tumor focus directly.  This was originally the principle of routine medical treatment in biomedicine. with the help of natural and physical phenomena, when there is ecological movement, resonance impact force will often occur. this force depends on everywhere mucous membranes to prevent and treat diseases. these have all used the reverse thinking logic to achieve " waterway medicine".
It has unique characteristics from legislative prescription to treatment results, and has a new way of treating diseases and the concept of discipline principle.  The aim is to provide new ideas to better help the prevention and rehabilitation of diseases and to promote the re-research and development of the medical discipline so as to ensure the health and safety of people's lives.  Only if there are many methods to prevent and cure cancer and science is advanced, will it be closer to the path to cure the disease. only in this way can it provide a healthy support for those suffering from cancer and serious diseases and enable people to live happily in this beautiful world without disease.
 This chapter mainly discusses the anatomical parts and mechanisms of common cancers, and the reasons and methods on which topical biological series of drugs can prevent and treat cancers.
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