澳门一点红资料大全 第十一节余话后记多说点 03

导读:从安全快速中要疗效与结果 ; 从简便实用中体不伤人要在 ; 从防治慢病中争取治愈癌症 ; 从生物共振中解开治病密码。只要我们能找到治病的方向与灵魂,不断完善其治疗的方法,尽早...

澳门一点红资料大全 从安全快速中要疗效与结果;从简便实用中体不伤人要在;从防治慢病中争取治愈癌症;从生物共振中解开治病密码。只要我们能找到治病的方向与灵魂,不断完善其治疗的方法,尽早让它成为是健康的保障,生命的支柱,让人人享有健康快乐的权利,户户无疾而富有,国家无疫而强大。让它再展现中华民族强大的威力,也是本学科今后自愿承受的压力和任务,更是其所要追求实现的目标。否则,则失去“水路医学 ”这四个字的神圣意义了。 
The curative effect and result should be obtained from safety and rapidity.  From the simple and practical point of view, the body should not hurt people.  Fight for cure of cancer from prevention and treatment of chronic diseases;  Unlock the healing code from the biological resonance.  As long as we can find the direction and soul of curing diseases, and continuously improve its treatment methods, we can make it as soon as possible a guarantee of health, a pillar of life, a right for people to enjoy health and happiness, a household that is disease-free and rich, and a country that is disease-free and strong.  Let it show the powerful power of the Chinese nation again. it is also the pressure and task that this discipline will voluntarily bear in the future, and it is also the goal that it will pursue to realize.  Otherwise, the sacred meaning of the four words " waterway medicine" will be lost.
This book introduces that the external treatment prescription is mainly biological medicine. it is a new method of administering medicine from outside to inside. from research and development to prevention and treatment, tens of thousands of people with different kinds of diseases use summary. it is also confirmed by the results of tests and cytological tests of authoritative medical institutions at home and abroad. it can be boldly predicted that as long as people can pay attention to disease prevention from life details and character, and have a comprehensive understanding of this book, and strengthen the attention to investigation and prevention, pay close attention to daily or learn the use of this biological series of medicines for disease prevention and treatment, and many major diseases and cancers may also be rare or cured like smallpox and epidemic diseases.  The basis for interpreting or proving it is as follows:
One is that cancer, like many chronic and difficult diseases, is mostly mixed with a variety of bacteria and viruses. the difference is that it is often combined with external chemical, physical toxin and radiation factors to stimulate cell mutation and proliferation in the body and the reproduction and breeding of germs too fast, thus forming a water-borne mass of different sizes and extremely irregular and deadly on the organs and tissues of the body.  It can also be considered as follows: bad lifestyle, failure of the " waterway" system, immersion of germs, sudden change in character and environment - chronic serious illness - variation of focus, activation and proliferation of germs - cancer.  As soon as people know and understand its cause and nature, they will attach importance to its early prevention, change all kinds of bad living habits, establish good civilized habits, pay attention to reducing the high incidence of chronic diseases, from early prevention, early investigation, early detection and early treatment. this is also a guarantee to fundamentally cure serious diseases and cancer and to build a high-wall power grid.
Secondly, normal people will also have less than 1 billion cancer cells, which are distributed in organs and tissues such as blood. if they are not activated, they will not exceed this number and will not cause any harm to the human body.  In addition, cancer patients were also investigated. apart from serious chemical and industrial toxins or compulsory invasion, more than 90 % of the patients had different types of chronic diseases at ordinary times.  Due to the decline of chronic diseases on the body's consumption and disease resistance, coupled with the invasion of modern clothing, food and clothing, poor living habits and environmental malignant changes and other toxins into the body, the immune function is once again reduced, and the weakening of disease resistance will rapidly activate cancer cells that originally did not occur in the body, or may only happen occasionally for several years, and its nature will also turn into viral diseases.  For example, liver disease - liver cancer, stomach disease - gastric cancer, cervical erosion - cervical cancer, etc.
The author also studies the causes of many lung cancers, which are not only related to the original lung lesions, but also directly or indirectly related to everyday viral rhinitis.  Due to the fact that many people suffer from rhinitis in modern times are viral, but few are bacterial. occasionally, people who suffer from allergic rhinitis are also considered to be among the susceptible groups of multi-viral bacteria.  Those who belong to bacteria are easy to treat, while those who belong to viruses are difficult to treat.  The virus grows in the nasal cavity for a long time. it can also be directly inhaled into the lungs. in addition to various external factors, especially the bacteria and toxins in the air are inhaled by the lungs, it can directly accelerate the activation of the original cancer cells in the body and make them rapidly mutate and proliferate - lung cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer.  Therefore, there is no strict age distinction between lung cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which further suggests that prevention is more important than cure.
Others asked me, what is good for cancer patients to eat for treatment?  In order not to occupy more space, only one suggestion is given: no matter what kind of serious illness or cancer a person suffers from, or how to keep fit and keep fit in normal times, fresh fruit juice should be drunk every day. the proportion is 4 apples, 1 grape, 1 kiwi fruit and 1 carrot, and should be drunk at intervals after about 1,000 milliliters of warm water every day.  Because it can make up the positive energy of vitamins and potassium ions consumed by diseases, and also can remove the garbage from blood vessels and intestines in the body, activate the balance between the enzyme source of each gland and hormone production, thus actually improving the positive energy needed for immunity and disease resistance.  Eat more vegetables, less light salt is enough.  Never eat too much meat and eggs containing acid and high fat, which can make the original healthy body - accumulation of toxic scale - system disorder - serious illness - malignant change of disease - cancer eruption.  You might as well realize that there will be obvious improvement in 10 to 20 days.  If normal people can stick to this method without interruption, they will definitely have fewer or no diseases.  Because " waterway medicine" is a natural medicine, diseases are often born naturally from life. treatment should also follow the natural law, and diseases become more and more natural.
At the same time, Waterway Medicine demands its own discipline: to prevent and cure diseases, it is essential to unblock the obstacles of waterway system;  Medication should be based on biological agents.  The treatment method should take the skin pore canal and mucous membrane as the way.  The result should be based on the fact that the cure probability is obvious.  It is the science in medicine to pursue simplicity, rapidity, efficiency and safety in health preservation and treatment, and to live long without disease.
 The study also confirmed that in the era of continuous rapid development, the main factors are viral toxin substances and transgenic diseases, wounding or potential outbreaks, which are the most important topics for future medical answers.  No matter what kind of prescription, as long as it can inhibit and kill different kinds of cancer virus cells, or resist other chemical toxin substances such as transgenic enzymes, it will reduce or eliminate serious diseases and cancer if it does little or no harm to normal cells.  At the same time, it is concluded that there are no external factors to spread or activate the original cancer cells in the body, and the number of chronic diseases is still high, and the probability of their transformation into cancer is very low.
Through many biochemical tests on different cells of animals at home and abroad, the results of the five-channel biological series of drugs have confirmed that it not only has strong toxicity to bacteria, cancer virus cells and other bacterial toxins, but also has the effect of inhibiting the active speed of cells, supplying nutrients to normal cells and prolonging the physiological cycle of cells.  It will also activate and activate the enzyme source system from the gland so that it can generate the energy to recognize and fight the virus. only then can it have a stronger function of dissolving, poisoning or cutting off the transmission and replication path of the virus, thus promoting orderly immunization, preventing and controlling the root, slowing down aging, maintaining active energy, and enabling everyone to live without disease so as to enjoy the goal of the year of heaven.
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