澳彩是澳门开奖吗 第十一节余话后记多说点 05


"Waterway Medicine" originates from nature, and diseases often arise from nature. when natural medicine is used, according to the principle of treating natural diseases, it is only natural way to recover from diseases without cutting down injuries.  Therefore, the self-reliance system, self-opening of " waterways", self-research of medicines, self - usage, voluntary rescue, self-responsibility and self - conceit, without complaint or regret.
 It is said that the war dead are quick, that is man-made and can be controlled.  However, once the epidemic breaks out, if there is no good way to contain it, the dead will suffer much more quickly and even more.  Medicine belongs to human beings. if there are outstanding achievements in treating diseases and saving lives, it should serve the earth's human beings.

According to the theory of natural logic, this subject uses a simple and safe method of external treatment of living beings. now, after building six " pyramids" with 55 words selected, it uses five 16 - squat long chains that are more precious than gold, totaling 80 Chinese characters. if each word is enlarged by 100,000 meters, this gold chain will have 8,000 kilometers of raw materials.  With " cure" as the center, the contents of its " water,"" life,"" cancer,"" disease,"" healing," and " tower" are all displayed to highlight their natural characteristics, their inner good and evil, their bad shortcomings that need to be eradicated, and the advantages and energies that need to be supplemented to human health to continue to be developed so that all of them take orally and are willing to submit to the word " cure" as the core of leadership. through the matching of " cure" positive energies, they can all be satisfied with balance and cure.
 Finally, they are welded into a giant ship that can crush all diseases, so that every friend who gets a cure from " water treatment" can travel around the world in this giant vehicle.  As long as it rotates five times, it can rotate 40,000 kilometers along the earth.  Let you experience the beauty of the world, let you see it whirling rapidly along the earth's track. after striking the stubborn disease and disease that crushed human beings, you will be sent back to a more sentimentally attached place. after sharing the joy of being free from physical and mental illness, let you slowly appreciate the treasure map of " waterway medicine" forged with literature at home, which can unlock the code for treating diseases.
Finally, they are welded into a giant ship that can crush all diseases, so that every friend who gets a cure from " water treatment" can travel around the world in this giant vehicle.  As long as it rotates five times, it can rotate 40,000 kilometers along the earth.  Let you experience the beauty of the world, let you see it whirling rapidly along the earth's track. after striking the stubborn disease and disease that crushed human beings, you will be sent back to a more sentimentally attached place. after sharing the joy of being free from physical and mental illness, let you slowly appreciate the treasure map of " Waterway Medicine" forged with literature at home, which can unlock the code for treating diseases.

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